Wednesday, October 30, 2019
2 important issues for paralegals today licensing and unauthorzed Research Paper
2 important issues for paralegals today licensing and unauthorzed practice of law by non-lawyers - Research Paper Example For example in some states, it is regarded as a felony which can lead to a sentence of a minimum of five years, or a fine of not less than five thousand dollars, regardless of whether the unauthorized person had permission from court (Susan 2007 p 158). However, other states grant permission to unlicensed people to offer certain services such as selling legal forms, and providing common instructions and other services whereby the interest of clients may not be put at stake. They are preferred by clients because they charge lower prices than the attorneys. Blades and Vermylen (2004 p 642) observe that information technology has brought drastic changes in the legal profession. People are able to access critical information regarding legal issues from the internet. This has been a major improvement in enlightening the public regarding their legal rights. However, people are exposed to the wrong information generated by the unauthorized practicing lawyers that can jeopardize their rights. This is because both the authorized and unauthorized lawyers can post unlimited information on websites. The most risky part is where a client completes a deal in the website, where there is no interaction between the lawyer and the client. Such passive websites may be used by laymen and may not offer the correct information regarding legal matters, a problem that has recently raised concerns in many states (Tony 2004 p 227). However, secure methods such as the use of cautiously developed disclaimers are in use by lawyers in order to separate between th e unauthorized practices of law from the licensed lawyers. The use of measures for identification through the use of disclaimers have been significant in ensuring that only the authorized lawyers serve clients, but without any deals being completed in the website. They only provide general information, making it less attractive to people in the unauthorized practice of law (Blades
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Bus Company JMB: Fare Increase Causes
Bus Company JMB: Fare Increase Causes JMB TRAVEL GRADED UNIT 2 REPORT DEVELOPMENT STAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is about primary and secondary research that was carried out on the bus company JMB. Increase in fares within the company JMB. Looking at the reasons for the increase in fares and the economic implications of this and the advantages that the improvements that the company has been able to make due to the increase in fares and the external factors that have also determined the price increase. The impact this has had on the passengers and exactly what they think about the increase and how it has affected their daily life commuting back and forth to their destinations and to find out what effect this has had on demand for this service. Evaluating the impact this has had on the company and its employees and how this has effected employee motivation within the company and what external factors have affected the company. Looking at the government subsidies that are available to the bus companies and what rules they have in place for a transport company to receive this grant. 1.1 REASONS FOR PRICE INCREASE Investigations have found that when the company first started operating they used an introductory price so customer would use the services, so customer would be able to see what a reliable and flexible bus service they provided. As there was only one other bus competitor running in that area First Buses that only run services to and from Glasgow but didnt have the direct routes that JMB were providing and the reliability that the service would run every 15 minutes from Lanark to Hamilton and returning which made the demand for their service greater than the other bus service run by First Buses. This would be known as price elasticity where the price of fares had risen but demand for the bus services stays the same as there is no direct competitive competition to stop them from implementing there 40% fare increase as they seem to have the biggest percentage of market share in this area. Other reasons for the increase is so they can could run a reliable service for customers in the Lanark to Hamilton route which allowed them to employ more staff to make the company run efficiently as possible. The company spoke of the expansion that is being planned which would allow more child friendly buses to be available for buggy and pram access, wider bus aisles and ramps that can be moved up and down for easy manoeuvring for wheelchairs and prams. School contract service available which would be run on a large scale to help build up their customer base and the company would be able to operate services to a lot of schools within south and north Lanarkshire. Due to the expansion of the company had decided to run bus services in other areas to expand their space in the travel network so that this would bring in more revenue for the company although the company would not allow any revenue figures to be published and management were very specific on this. Luxury coaches have also been introduced that are available for coach trips, private functions and other outings which brings in a great deal of revenue which could lead to further expansion within the Travel network. Revenue figures or any other figures relating to the company was not available. It was seen the actual number of passengers on the website published these figures over the past three years seen in (appendix 1) has increased which would allow JMB to consider branching into other areas in Scotland as demand for bus services is on the rise and would enable them to expand their market share in the travel network, which would allow customer to have a preference on who they would want to travel with every day. 1.2 External Factors External factors affecting this price increase is due to the price increase this year because The Scottish Governments flagship concessionary travel scheme for the over 60s and disabled people has run out of money to fund this The Confederation of Passenger Transport UK which is representing 1000 bus and coach firms said fare hikes and cuts in services were on the cards as members could no longer afford the losses (Herald, 2016) which means that the bus companies are going to have to make their contribution towards the concessionary fares for the over 60s and disabled customers. 1.2.1 Congestion Congestion on the roads is a big factor as drivers are not able to reach punctuality targets which could mean Higher operating costs and higher fares Higher in Vehicle times Deteriorating reliability and being punctual to fit with scheduled time tables 1.3 Conclusion Investigations found that the company started with an introductory price of  £2.50 for return tickets from Lanark to Hamilton but in order the company to flourish and extend their market share in the travel industry they had to increase their fares to  £3.50, although the company is flourishing it did need to overcome external factors concerning concessionary fares for over 60s and disabled customers as they now pay into this scheme which also triggered the price increase. Studies also showed that congestion is on the roads is a huge issue on the price increase as this causes higher operating which results in higher fares and cause problems with the service being provided which would cause the company to lose revenue. 2.0 IMPACT ON PASSENGERS A Social Media Survey was carried out with 30 customers in the Lanark to Hamilton area to find out what they felt about the increase in fares and if they still used the services provided by JMB due to increase in price. It was found that a large percentage of customer that used the bus service were not impressed by the increase in fares but still used the services regardless as it was their only reliable means of transport to travel back and forward to their desired destination as mostly every customer commented that rail services are not reliable in these areas so they used the bus services as more of a necessity, where as a small percentage said they used the bus services because it was reliable and friendly. (Appendix 2) illustrates these results. Customer stated that the service that JMB provided was very reliable and the staff were always friendly and on hand to helpful, while other customer said that they pay this amount for fares as it was the only bus service available to them to commute back and forth to work on a day to day basis where as other people used this service for leisure use. As porters five forces suggests see (appendix 3) customers have no other means of getting to their destination as there is no competitive choice in this area. JMB can put prices up as this is their only means of getting to their desired destination because theyre very little choice customers cannot change to another bus company and it seems that now there is not any new entrants in this area in the travel industry. This would suggest that customer that use the JMB services are more than happy to pay the fares as it is there only means of getting to and from their destination with the minimum of time and fuss and because this is a reliable, friendly and well known Travel provider. Although if there was any other means of transport in this area they would consider using it. 2.1 Other factors that determine if customers are receiving good service (1) Public transport needs to be clean and tidy at during operations as it could be a danger to the public health if Health and Safety rules are not adhered to. (2) Making sure that customers perceptions of the service meet their expectations to make sure that the customers completely satisfied with the service being provided. (3) Making sure that bus stops are accessible for customers as you dont want customer having to walk a long distance to the nearest bus stop, the perceived distance that is accessible is a 10 to15 minute walk away from the customers residency or location that the customer might be in at that time. 2.2 Conclusions Conclusions raised were that customer will pay the fare because the train services are not available in this area as it is a necessity to use them but if any other services were to be provided in this area they would probably consider trying a different bus service to commute also other factors such as cleanliness, accessibility and reliability are the key elements that customer look for in a transport services. 3.0 IMPACT ON THE COMPANY A Swot analysis was carried out on JMB to see what its strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats were to the company. It was found that JMB had a lot of strengths as they were a well- known company with a well-known service provided to the public. JMB also have an advantage over their competitors as the journey routes that they operate are different from their competitors as they over a varied selection of bus routes and over a friendly helpful service to their customer. In the two years the company has been operating they have managed to secure different school contracts and have run a luxury coach service for the public for functions and other private events. The introduction of the Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 bus that was introduced in 2016 is this is fuel efficient and has great manoeuvrability that gives customers a luxury driving experience which makes them miles ahead of their competitors. The weaknesses that they have are being able to keep their services running smoothly day to day basis to keep their customers happy as customers are their customers are everything to the company. Being able to keep their fares to a minimum so that customers are not paying too much for the customers will not be able to afford their fares. Opportunities that the company has is they will be able to expand into new areas with the business such as providing services for different areas out with south and north Lanarkshire for example rural areas as they dont have a lot of transport operating in these areas by offering competitive prices so they can phase out their competitors. Threats that may affect them are If new competitors were to run a new bus service in their areas which would affect their business over a better price and service for the public. If the government cut funding that would enable them to run a reliable transport service. 3.1 Employee Motivation As staff are important to JMBs business morale is a big issue in their business because happy workers mean happy customers. Maslow motivational theory as executed in this company as Maslow talks about the five stages of hierarchy of needs these stages include see (appendix 4) for illustration. JMB has implemented this theory because they have provided their staff with good working conditions and a satisfactory salary for all. JMB have also employed more driver to deal with the demand for their bus services and has enough staff to delegate to different journeys and on different services everyday which allows their workers to get the time off for holidays or appointment or any other time they may need off without the minimum of fuss. The company also has good safety elements implemented as the drivers have direct contact with the depot in Wishaw in case there is any emergencies such as buses breaking down or if there was a medical issue with customer or a customer attacking another commuting on the bus or worst case scenario attacking one of the company bus drivers. Staff that work for the company also have works night out on a regular basis where they can bring their partner along to join in and they also have a Christmas party every year at different venues across Scotland. Mostly all the job vacancies within the company are all internal which means if people have the right credentials to apply for jobs they are urged to do so they are promoted for a job well done as one of the staff in the company was recently promoted to inspector for his outstanding contribution and commitment as a bus driver. 3.2 External factors affecting the business 3.2.1 CO2 Emissions A PESTLE analysis was done on the issue of CO2 emissions which outlined Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal and Environmental impact on the need to reduce CO2 emissions Political The government have set out clear guidelines for these CO2 emissions to be cut which could affect the company as these guidelines put in place need to be adhered to. Economic In 2010 there was an initiative put in place for all bus services called carbon reduction commitment which meant that bus companies had to buy carbon credits which would permit JMB to generate specific qualities of carbon emissions. In 2010 the company had to put in place a budget and set out very clear plans to measure how much CO2 emissions will be produced going forward. Which could affect the company as if they were to produce more emissions than stated in their plan then this could be an expense for the company which means it may lead to an increase in fares for customers. Sociological If the company does not abide by the guide lines, then the public could lose all expectations of the company at what it stands for. Technological The company may have to get another system built into the buses so they can monitor the CO2 emissions so they know what is being used every day. Legal If the company do not commit to the initiative to reduce emission they may find themselves with a hefty fine or worst case scenario they could lose grant which means they wouldnt be able to operate their business to its full potential. Environmental CO2 emissions are dangerous to the environment and the planet and is one of the biggest problems causing greenhouse gas that is destroying our planet today. 3.3 Steps JMB are taking to comply with the emissions initiative As CO2 emissions are a short and long term problem for JMB and have put in place a plan to reduce these emissions by 2020 from 25% to 20% and the introduction of the envir0 200 bus which would give them a clearer advantage over the competition. 3.4 Conclusion Although a SWOT was performed the results were positive on the company as the company has grown from strength to strength over the last 2 years as it is now able to provide transport to other areas in the North and South Lanarkshire area which has created more jobs for the population of North and South Lanarkshire which has made them able to strengthen the economy by creating jobs such as bus drivers, school escorts and other depot staff. The way the company is fair to their staff and give them the motivation to perform their jobs daily to a high standard that benefits their customers. Other aspects JMB are how user friendly the buses are to the environment because of fuel emission that could be a danger to the environment and could have legal implications if this was not rectified and the guidelines for emissions set by the government followed in the best interests of the company. 4.0 GOVERNMENT SUBSIDES Government subsidies are the main source of funding for JMB Travels business as they receive a (BSOG) Bus Services Operators Grant Scheme this is a discretionary grant paid under section 38 of The Transport Scotland Act 2001 which is regulated by the (DFT) Department for Transport to get this you need to adhere to certain terms and conditions. These conditions include the company needs to maintain adequate records of the mileage and distances that the bus service runs on a day to day basis. Checks are also performed by Transport Scotland to see that all the necessary requirements under the Transport Scotland Act have been fulfilled. DFT provide these grants to keep customers fares to a minimum and the distances the bus services to travel. This (BSOG) is applied for every year and consists of 4 quarterly payments that are paid directly into the company bank account. JMB also receive money from the government for their school contracts which has a great impact on their business and brings in a great deal of revenue. 4.1 Reforms to the (BSOG) Reforming the (BSOG) will create better incentives for local authorities and bus operators to work with one another to provide a better service for commuters and help with keeping the environment safe to provide value. Investing in fuel efficient buses to improve services for customers and to minimise regulatory burdens and reduce the cost of administration. Although these reforms to this policy are in place it will impact in different ways as no measure will completely deliver the objectives highlighted in this reform. Even though the objectives highlighted in this reform will ensure improvement in the value from the bus subsidy thats paid to the company every year. 4.2 Conclusion Investigations show that government subsidies are the main source of funding and keeping to the terms and conditions set for the public transport sector are followed then they will be able to continue receiving this grant and can provide the best service expected of them by their customers. Reforms that have been put in place by (BSOG) are going to benefit the operation of the service because as well as providing a good service to customers they will be able to see that JMB cares about what happens to our planet. APPENDIX Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Porters 5 Forces   BIBLIOGRAPHY Arline, Katherine (2015) Porters five forces analysing the competition. Available at: (Accessed: 19 January 2017). Boddy, D. and Paton, R. (2002) Management: An introduction. New York: Prentice Hall Europe. begg, prof david (2016) Congestion. Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). Activity Log DATE DURATION ACTIVITY RESOURCES USED 2ND November 2016 20 mins Phoned to arrange interview with manager from JMB Mobile, Paper, Pen 9th November 2016 2 hours Compiled questionnaire to ask manager from JMB Pen, paper, computer, printer 11th November 2016 3 hours Travelled to JMB depot to interview Martin Bell a manager from JMB asked him question to help with primary research for report Money, pen, paper 18th November 2016 2 hours Looked at the results from questionnaires on face book and recorded the information Face book page, computer, pen, paper 22nd November 2016 1 hour Went to college library to get reference books on economics and business strategy for secondary research for my report Library, books, student card 27th December 2016 3 hours Compiled information and put this into some sort of order and used planning stage to see aims and objectives Planning stage of report, reference books, notes, pen, paper, computer 6th December 2016 2 hours Started typing up my findings for 1st aim and objective relating to price Notes, paper, computer, pen, printer, reference books 13th November 2016 3 hours Compiled information on my 1st aim and objective. Notes, paper, computer, pen, printer, reference books 20th December 2016 3 hours Started compiling information for my 2nd aim of how customer feel about the increase Notes, paper, computer, pen, printer, reference books 17th January 20177 3 hours Typed up my findings for 1st aim and objective started to put this into report format Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 18th January 2017 2 hours 30 mins Typed findings for first aim and objective Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 19th January 2017 4 hours Collated all my information and started typing up 2nd aim into report format Notes, paper, pen, computer reference books, hard drive to save 20th January 2017 7 hours Typed up data for 2nd aim of report. Started collating information for my 3rd aim of my report Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 21st January 2017 6 hours Typed up 3rd aim of my report. Started working on data for my 4th aim of report Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 22nd January 2017 6 hours Typed up findings for 4th sim of report Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 23rd January 2017 5 hours Wrote my acknowledgements, Executive summary and contents page and Activity log for report Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save, planning stage of report 24th January 2017 1 hour Checked over my report, sent report through turn tin Computer, report, college email and access to turn tin
Friday, October 25, 2019
Burial Practices of the Ancient Egyptian and Greco-Roman Cultures :: European Europe History
Burial Practices of the Ancient Egyptian and Greco-Roman Cultures Ancient Egyptian and Greco-Roman practices of preparing the dead for the next cradle of humanity are very intriguing. These two cultures differ in a multitude of ways yet similarities can be noted in the domain of funerary services. In the realm of Egyptian afterlife, The Book of the Dead can provide one with vital information concerning ritual entombment practices and myths of the afterlife. The additional handouts I received from Timothy Stoker also proved to be useful in trying uncover vital information regarding the transition into another life. Regarding the burial practices of Greece and Rome, parts of Homer's Odyssey are useful in the analysis of proper interment methods. One particular method used by the Egyptians was an intricate process known as mummification. It was undoubtedly a very involved process spanning seventy days in some cases. First, all the internal organs were removed with one exception, the heart. If the body was not already West of the Nile it was transported across it, but not before the drying process was initiated. Natron (a special salt) was extracted from the banks of the Nile and was placed under the corpse, on the sides, on top, and bags of the substance were placed inside the body cavity to facilitate the process of dehydration. After thirty-five days the ancient embalmers would anoint the body with oil and wrap it in fine linen. If the deceased was wealthy enough a priest donning a mask of Anubis would preside over the ceremonies to ensure proper passage into the next realm. One of the practices overseen by the priest was the placing of a special funerary amulet over the heart. This was done in behest to secure a successful union with Osiris and their kas. The amulet made sure the heart did not speak out against the individual at the scale of the goddess of justice and divine order, Maat. The priest also made use of a "peculiar ritual instrument, a sort of chisel, with which he literally opened the mouth of the deceased." This was done to ensure that the deceased was able to speak during their journeys in Duat. Another practice used by the Egyptians to aid the departed soul involved mass human sacrifice. Many times if a prominent person passed away the family and servants would willfully ingest poison to continue their servitude in the next world.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Leadership and domestic politics
IntroductionScholars in political sciences frequently argue on the power of separate groups and leaders in their strivings towards hegemony, as well as their role in creating politics in general (Jacobsen 1996; Hermann & Hagan, 1998). As a result, what we read in works on politics is often contradictory and sometimes arguable. When we speak about the striving of certain political leaders to hijack their domestic politics for the sake of creating an empire, we should first analyze whether any politics can be called domestic. Consequentially, the possibility of separate political groups breaking the power of leaders should be analyzed through the prism of the three major political theories: realist, constructivist, and liberal. As a result, we will acquire a set of clear unbiased notions on the basis of which we will be able to come to relevant conclusions as for the possibility of creating a political empire through hijacking domestic politics (if we prove these exist).The discussion of the current subject should possible be started with the analysis of political domesticity, and the role of domestic politics (states, leaders) through the prism of political realism.â€Å"Realism relies for its explanatory power upon disproportionate enfranchisement of diplomatic elites. An enfranchised actor in two-level games is one who is privileged to participate in the ratification process of an agreement or whose consent is required to implement it.†(Jacobsen 1996, p. 97)This statement can be interpreted from the two different viewpoints: on the one hand, realist theory supports the power of separate political groups in decision-making; on the other hand, realist theory seems to deny the power of separate political formation in their strivings towards creating political empire. Certainly, the politics which have the full right to participate in multifaceted political processes do not objectively have the need to hijack their strong positions within the political dec ision-making structures. However, when we suggest that domestic politics can be hijacked for the sake of creating an empire, can this statement be relevant? Objectively, it cannot as long as the fact of politics being domestic is irrelevant.This can be assumed not merely on the basis of rapid globalization process within political environment. International forces currently appear stronger than those of separate states. â€Å"Brazil resisted American threats to its computer policies, while the European Union quickly capitulated to the U.S. in agricultural issues.†(Jacobsen 1996, p. 99) As a result, international issues often prevail over those which were traditionally supposed â€Å"domestic†. Of course, domesticity of politics is not totally lost, as inner-state decision-making agents still analyze the events at the international political arena and process them before these are delivered to the masses. Yet, not a single politics can longer separate it from being an international political player. The world political situation leads us to the thought that â€Å"states operate simultaneously at domestic and international levels and want to maximize benefits in one domain to enhance their positions in the other†(Jacobsen 1996, p. 101). Thus, not a single politics in the globalized political processes can characterized as being domestic.Thus, we have come to conclusion that the first part of the discussed question is at least irrelevant. However, and probably surprisingly, this does not mean that the whole assumption is politically meaningful. Continuing the line of political realism we should also have a look at separate political players, who may have claims at creating political empire. In this sense, does leadership still matter or is there any chance that it will be neglected to create political hegemony of certain political groups?While Jacobsen (1996) asserts that the domestic structure of states is extremely vague and depends solel y on how political leaders interpret external events for the benefit of their position, this viewpoint also leads us to the thought that leadership should also be viewed through the international prism. Leadership as domestic political phenomenon loses its relevance as soon as we return to the discussion of domesticity as meaningless in the global political structure. In connection to political realism, leadership still matters.â€Å"Leaders define states’ international and domestic constraints. Based on their perceptions and interpretations, they build expectations, plan strategies, and urge actions on their governments that conform with their judgments about what is possible and likely to maintain them in their positions†(Hermann & Hagan 1998, p. 126).Thus, to follow the provisions of political realism, and to remain within the limits of leadership framework, it is rather difficult to assert whether separate groups will hijack various policies to create political em pire. The fact is that their power in conquering hegemonic position will depend on the number of factors. First, the power of groups depends on the power of the leader: when groups seek to determine whose position in the foreign policy matter, they simultaneously determine the power of leader’s policy. Upon the leader’s inability to find consensus with the groups, these groups will in turn search for consensus between themselves; as a result, this cohesiveness will produce the so-called â€Å"groupthink†, and will cause â€Å"premature closure around options preferred by the more powerful policymakers†(Herman & Hagan 1998, p. 127).Second, the opportunity of the certain political groups to hijack the leader’s policy for the sake of creating an empire will depend on the importance of question to be resolved as a result of this attack. Within the lack of domesticity, and the globalized political processes, an unlimited number of political groups can exist, which will have the power in foreign decision making due to their expertise or official position (Herman & Hagan 1998, p. 128).Again, it will depend both on the power of these groups and the power of the higher political structures, whether those groups will be capable of breaking the existing political regime towards empire. However, when we speak about the lack of political domesticity and the growing globalization of political decision-making, we can also mean that the notion of political empire is far less meaningful than it could be in other political conditions. Yet, the meaning of leadership and the meaning of political groups vs. leadership has not lost its meaning.The striving of separate political groups towards creating empire is rather vague and inconsistent within the notions of political constructivism. Traditionally, political constructivism was based on the importance of political norms and the importance of following these norms as based on public reason. Whe n we accept the fact of existing political hierarchy, in which leaders and political groups may find themselves in political conflict, and in which the latter may hijack the former to create an empire, we have to accept the possibility that both will come to a reasonable consensus and would act according to the mutually agreed norms.â€Å"Everything depends then for the constructivist on whether there is a rich enough level of consensus to arrive at a shared understanding of the reasonable to enable us to arrive at a shared understanding of the justice†(Stephan 2004, p. 207). It is expected, that in the environment of political consensus between the leader and the groups, the groups would have no stimuli to hijack the existing political stability for the sake of the unstable empire. The striving of political groups towards power in constructivist theory is weak and meaningless as long as political constructivism is connected with pluralism (Stephan 2004, p. 209). Surely, pol itical scholars may interpret pluralism as causing possible risk to the power of leaders; however it is more possible that numerous norms and groups will compromisingly co-exist in the global political environment without breaking its balance.Political liberalism as the tool of analyzing the political power of groups vs. leaders is even more interesting. As constructivism, liberalism is connected with pluralism, but its pluralism is different and seems to be more problematic in the striving of groups to power. First of all, liberalism initially treats governments as politically neutral powers. As a result, the power of social groups acquired additional meaning and literally turns into a threat for government in their political strivings. Moreover, the pluralism which political liberalism treats seems to be more negative than positive within the current discussion.This means that liberal pluralism risks creating identity-wars within various political formations (Rawls 1995, p. 100). As a result, liberal thought is the closest to supporting the idea of political groups hijacking the power of political leaders. Simultaneously, even in this light the chance that political groups would strive to break the existing political regime, are vague due to the stable universalism of humanist ideas, to which liberal groups keep. In this sense the liberal view of the discussed question reminds that of political constructivism.It is important to note that in the global political environment, liberal political cultures are frequently positioned as those opposed to non-liberal cultures. As a result, there are significant risks of political conflicts and the desire of either liberal or non-liberal groups to obtain the power by hijacking the opposed regime. in this aspect liberal thought can be closely connected with the realist provisions: this will depend on the power of leaders, the importance of the questions to be resolved, and the ability of the groups to come to political consensus, whether they will attack the existing political regimes. As a result, we return to the thought that we cannot definitely accept the viewpoint that groups will hijack the policy of their states or groups of states to create an empire.ConclusionWe have thus come to conclusion that politics can hardly be domestic. In the light politics being closer to transnational, groups will hardly strive for hijacking narrower policies for the sake of creating an empire. This statement is justified by the realistic variety of factors (the power of state leadership, the importance of the question to be resolved, and the rivalry between groups). Political constructivism tends to observe groups as existing in consensus, and thus being deprived of motives to hijack their political stability. However, when liberal players are positioned against non-liberal players we return to the realist view of political groups, when their striving to break the existing political regime is very vague and ca n be determined only by a wide range of political stability factors.ReferencesHermann, M.G. & Hagan, J.D. (1998). International decision making: Leadership matters.Foreign Policy 110 (Special edition), 124-137.Jacobsen, J.K. (1996). Review: Are all politics domestic? Perspectives on the integration ofcomparative politics and international relations theories. Comparative Politics 29 (1), pp. 93-115.Rawls, J. (1995). Political liberalism. Columbia University Press.Stephan, H. (2004). Constructivism in international relations: The politics of reality. In M.Zehfuss, Constructivism in international relations, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 202-218.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Early Years Foundation Stage Essay
1. What are the four stages of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) framework? The EYFS is a frame work setting standards that cover the care, development, learning of children from birth to the age of five. It was first established under the Childcare Act 2006. The new framework will come into force 1st Sept 1014, until then the current EYFS 2012 is statutory. There are four specific areas of the EYFS which are: A unique child, positive relationships, enabling environments and learning and development. These provide guidance on best practices and procedures and the framework is applicable to for all environments that support children from birth to 5. Some of these would be, maintained schools, non maintained school, independent schools, child minders, pre schools and nurseries. Exceptions to these would be if a child had a nanny, or parent toddler groups (where the parent is expected to stay with the child.) Within these four specific areas there are also 7 areas of learning and development. Children should mostly develop the 3 prime areas first. These are: Communication and language, physical development and personal and social and emotional development. As children grow these prime areas will help them to develop skills in 4 specific areas which are Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the world and expressive arts and design. Each of these stages (or steps) have guidance (goals) as to where the child should be at regarding their age and stage. These stages are fairly flexible allowing staff/parents to be able to monitor the progress of the child whilst maintaining and keeping in with the Childs own unique interests and needs. 1.The Unique Child Babies and children develop at different rates and ages. However all babies must develop skill 1 before they develop skill 2 and so on, an example would be a baby must first learn to crawl (in some form) before it will walk, or learn to make sounds before it talks. Links from body to brain are essential in early child development. Children are vulnerable and without love, care and nurture from parents and carers will not develop the necessary skills, emotions and resilience of a child who had this care and nurture. These early relationships with parents/carers are essential and can strongly influence how children develop socially and emotionally. Children develop communication skills at a very early stage. Babies learn to cry, and this is the earliest form of communication, babies communicate through facial expression, they learn to smile by watching their parents /carers, learning through having frequent enjoyable contact. Making â€Å"baby,†noises, gurgling through to laughing. Babies and children also learn and develop through play helping to develop their physical, social and emotional, communication and cognitive skills. Recognizing that all people (Adults, babies and children,) have rights and must be treated fairly. This is irrespective of age, sex, ethnicity, race, wealth, disability etc. All children have an equal right to be listened to and valued within any child setting. It is important that all children receive the same amount of care and support within the setting to ensure their overall development. It is important to assess the needs of each individual child to ensure that the individual child can r each their full potential. All babies are vulnerable and rely on adults to keep them safe. To feel safe and secure in a childcare setting is paramount. Younger children can begin to learn about keeping themselves safe through conversations, poems and stories. This help to keep children resilient. It is also important that we teach children boundaries. Children will continue to test these boundaries, but though nurturing children and explaining rules and consequences as a positive constant, children feel safe and secure in their environments. They begin to learn what is acceptable and not acceptable in their various environments and the difference of right and wrong., This is also imperative when it comes to children making choices and assessing their own risk, helping to develop their physical and physiological well being. Children’s health and well being are effected by their genes and the environment in which they are brought up in. Children who have their emotional and physical needs and wants met in an accepting, loving and understanding environment are children whom develop confidence, are resilient and self assured. Children gain a sense of well being, it helps with social skills – they are able to make friends, communicate themselves in a self assured way, share and enjoy life. Teaching healthy eating habits, maintaining the children’s interest in the health of their own bodies, role modeling this and showing posters of healthy food and fruit are ways of promoting this to children giving them choices, encouraging them to be part of a group as they start to become more in control of their bodies. Giving children a safe, clean healthy environment aids with their physical development ensuring adequate clothing and footwear, a stimulating environment and access to the outdoors and the stimulus that this provides. For babies and young children, sleep and rest is also an important factor to aid heath and well being, as development is rapid in the first 3 years of life. Positive Relationships Every interaction is based on a positive relationship. Children are able to function better and feel safe when they are in a positive, loving relationship with their family. This flows when they make their transition to the child care environment. By involving and accepting the child’s family and working as a team with the child and their family creates a positive environment in which the child can best adapt and develop. Through mutual support of family and practitioner, shows the child we are interested in their feelings, interests and abilities. Whilst still having a professional distance from families, being friendly towards family but not being in a friendship. A parent/practitioner partnership helps to develop systems which can help scaffold children’s individual efforts and independence. Positive communication with parents enable practice that creates stimulating relationships with both the child and the people involved in their family, creating the goal to which the child feels safe, valued and included, where differences are embraced. Enabling Environments ensure that all babies and children in an Early Years Setting have the correct resources to enable the need to develop and learn. Showing parents and carers that the environment meets their child’s individual needs helps to create a positive partnership between parents and professionals. We can do this be ensuring children have stimulating resources available to them, equipment that helps to develop both physical and cognitive development. Providing resources related to the children’s cultures, religions, communities, experiences and achievements. This also helps with practice relating to inclusion, whilst providing other children with learning opportunities they may not experience in their normal everyday life. All learning development outlines that children’s development and learning rate are different. This is especially true when supporting children with disabilities or special educational needs. This is when guidelines need to be followed and care plans are put into place. Children’s learning development needs to be planned for in an EYFS setting. Children must be given the opportunity to explore different subjects made to engage them in their age and stage of understanding, these should be enjoyable but at the same time challenging encouraging children to think critically when involved in their play. This is where Planning, Observation and Assessment cycles come into play. â€Å"Observation involves practitioners observing children to understand their level of achievement, interests and learning styles, and then to shape learning experiences for each child reflecting those observations.†Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage – 2012 With children in an EYFS setting early observations are vital to determine how far a child is with their development. It is important to observe a child within the three prime areas. Through these primary observations assessments developed and individual educational plans can be put i nto place to ensure the childs specific needs are met. In order to gain a level of children’s development, we use development statements. These are a list of statements that outline the four stages ok the EYFS framework Including 7 areas of where a child should be in regards to their learning development. They are either working towards or have achieved the early learning goals. This is all age and stage related and helps determine any gaps in observations, as well as the child’s strengths and weaknesses. These EYFS assessments are continuously reviewed by the practitioner who discusses findings with the parent during the prime areas of development which are between the ages of 2 & 3 years. This is then reviewed at the end of the EYFS period which Government deem to be at age 5. During the observations and assessments of the prime areas there are also 4 specific areas that will develop as the child grows. These are literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design, which are also age and stage related. 2 Summarise the psychological development theories outlined in this course. Sigmund Freud, Erik Erikson and Jean Piaget were all theorists who gave ideas regarding children’s development through their years, from developmental stages, cognitive/intellectual stages and milestones. Jean Piaget’s theory is that children develop through 4 stages. The Sensorimotor (0-2 yrs) This is where the child understands the world through their primary reflexes, looking, sucking, feeling, then as the child develops so do the schemas, Piaget states that this is first found accidently by the child then done purposefully for enjoyment. As the child progresses they do things by trial and error as the child realizes actions have a reaction, for example picking up a rattle then moving it creates noise. Creating a noise may get attention from a care giver. This knowledge is moving from the actual action of movement and reaction to the actual cognitive thought process. Milestone Object Permanence The second stage Preoperational (2-7years) This is the stage where children develop language, and become adept at using symbols which may have many meanings. An example would be a cardboard box becomes a car, a television, a bed anything that the childs imagines it to be through ro le play. A child had not yet developed logic and has an outlook of self-importance. Milestone Egocentrism Stage Three is Concrete Operational (7-11 years) Children now begin to develop a greater understanding of concrete events, they are logical in their thinking but have difficulty when relating to hypothetical events or situations. They realize that their own thoughts and feelings may be different from others thoughts. Children become less egocentric and begin to understand that something may stay in the same quantity even though the appearance has changed. If two pieces of paper are the same length and one length has been scrunched up, children will assume the scrunched is shorter if the Milestone conservation has not been reached. Formal Operational (11+Years) Children begin the ability to think in an abstract manor. They are able to reason things in their heads and conclude possible outcomes. Children are able to think about thinks they may not have experienced and still be able to determine possible endings to scenarios. Milestone, manipulation of ideas. Sigmund Freud’s theories of psychosexual development, describes how personality develops during childhood through the â€Å"id†. This is the source of all psychic energy, making it the primary component of personality. The â€Å"id†is driven by the pleasure principle. Freud’s theory is based on five stages. Oral – (O-1 year) The primary source of a baby’s pleasure is through feeding, the interaction occurs through the mouth and the baby gains pleasure from the carers who is feeding the baby and develops a relationship of trust and comfort with the feeder. Milestone Feeding Anal Stage (1-3years) Freud believed the primary source of libido was on controlling the bladder and bowel. When a child has developed this control over their body it is believed this sense of achievement and accomplishment leads to independence. Parents who praise positive outcomes lead children to feel capable and productive. Milestone Control over body Phallic Stage (3-6 years) Children develop feeling of jealousy. Freud suggested that boys become jealous of fathers affections towards their mothers. Children as a result of these feelings were also able to understand the fears of punishment. Milestone Jealousy Differences Latent (6 years-puberty) The early part of Latent is where children become interested in their peers, lasting meaningful relationships are formed, they become interested in hobbies and other interests, the later part of Latent is when children develop further relationships, social and communication skills and self confidence. Children tend to more actively pursue activities they are interested in. Milestone Interest in hobbies and others. Genital Stage (puberty-death)Freud suggests that in this last stage, the person develops a sexual interest in the opposite sex. This stage begins at puberty but remains with a person throughout life. Interests in the welfare others should now be established, Freud determined that once all stages have been met the individual should now be an all rounded well balanced individual. Milestone Sexual interests and a well balanced lifestyle. Erik Erikson also theorized upon personality, however, whereas Freud took a sexual approach, physcosexual, Erikson took the â€Å"ego†approach, psychosocial which was all about the â€Å"ego†of the human, rather than the â€Å"id†that Freud discussed. The â€Å"ego†was more about the role of society, culture and conflicts that took place within itself – the devil and angel on your shoulder. Stage 1 Trust vs Mistrust (0-18mth) Babies/young children begin to develop a sense of trust from their primary care givers, if the care is constant, then trust develops. If not then Erikson claimed the child will develop a mistrust even fear and will not have confidence in the world around them. Milestone Feeding Stage 2 Ear ly Childhood (2-3years)Autonomy vs Shame and Doubt. By this stage, children are walking, able to chose (toys, directions to walk in) becoming more independent and developing autonomy. The aim Erikson suggested, was to let the child attempt and try at risk, even though failure may be possible, Erikson said it was better to praise the child for its attempts. â€Å"They must not criticize the child for failures and accidents (particularly when toilet raining.) The aim has to be â€Å"self control without a loss of self esteem.†(Gross 1993) Milestone toilet training. Stage 3 Preschool (3-5years) Initiative vs Guilt. Children become more social and are interested in developing games, interacting with one another, becoming more assertive. Children become more confident as they become involved more in play and lead others through this. During this time, other children may want to take control, or adults may â€Å"intervene†in some way, children then begin to feel inadequate which leads to a lacking in self initiative and feeling of guilt. Milestone Exploration Stage 4 School Age (6-11years)Industry vs Inferiority This is the most important time for anyone in the teaching profession. Children begin to develop coping skills, they are developing relationships with peers and begin to feel the need to win approval by developing specific competencies that are interesting and noted by society. Children take pride in their accomplishments and are keen to show all in their world their achievements. Erikson suggests at this point, if children are not commended, or no interest is taken by their peers, family or care givers, and criticism is offered instead of praise, then the child may begin to feel inferior and have doubt in their abilities. Some children may just stop being interested in a certain activity. Milestone – School Stage 5 (!2-18years) Identity vs Role Confusion. Erikson suggests this is the age where children/young adults begin to gain t two identities a greater sense of self identity/awareness. They begin to look forward, to plan their futures Erikson â€Å"suggests that two identities are involved: the sexual and the occupational.†McLeod, S.A. (2008.) Children who experience constant negativity and rebuke from peers, trusted professionals (teachers) and family members can lead to a lack in confidence, low self esteem, and failure. 3.. Analyse the factors which affect child development. The factors which play a central role in children’s learning support the transitional process from EYFS into Year 1. â€Å"The characteristics of effective learning run through and underpin all seven areas of learning and development, representing process rather than outcomes.†EYFS Profile Handbook. There are three key characteristics of effective learning. Playing and Exploring, Active Learning and Critical Thinking. These descriptions need to have a brief description through means of ongoing observations, relevant photographs, discussions with parents and relevant adults and should take into account all relevant information from the setting. The HLTA should encourage children by supporting and encouraging a child’s natural curiosity (Playing and Exploring.) This can be achieved through role play sought from the children’s own interests. By having – creating an excited and well resourced role play area encourages children to engage in play they may not normally choose, and to mix with other children they wouldn’t normally play with. Through providing varied materials children can use imagination and construct their own equipment for use in their play. The HLTA encourages to play through using encouraging praise and being aware of all children engaged in the â€Å"game.†And by giving children a language to think about by maybe first initiating language/vocabulary relevant to the role play. An example would be a shop area HLTA would use vocab. such as cost, money, buy, shop, etc. introduce mathematics through numeracy words. To then reflect with children about their play encouraging them to â€Å"chat,†about what they did, ask questions how, why, where, encourage children to think about what else they could do, improve on, get rid of – what’s good and what’s not, all helps the HLTA support children by trying different strategies, practice problem solving skills, through encouraging praise. We are then able to revisit the role play area, giving children time to explore the area, thinking about what they’ve discussed, encouraging other children to contribute. To encourage children to think critically is to support children in the development of their own ideas, develop their problem solving skills and develop their methodical approach to achieve an outcome. A HLTA could introduce a maths activity to support this. I would set up conversa tions regarding the resources such as weighing scales, and various sized and shaped parcels, some the same size but have a noticeable change in weight. We would have discussions firstly introducing language, heavier ,lighter, large, small, equal, balance. By asking children to chose a parcel they â€Å"think†is heavy (most will pick the largest) and compare that to another parcel introduces different ideas that biggest isn’t always heaviest. Children will enjoy investigating and figuring out. Asking children to compare weight in their hands and through use of the scales will encourage children to think through the issue, through conversation and discussing mistakes children will able to see visual when using the weiing scales which parcel was actually heavier, asking other children to comment feedback and to â€Å"have a go.†And by supporting and respecting a childs efforts and thinking of new ideas i.e. how can we make it heavier on this side?†¦ I think that be introducing activities encourages children in active learning. It involves being calm at all times and to be able to calm children who may become over excited. Through constructive praise of their progress, achievements and failures. Helping children set new and different goals, encouraging children to watch and learn from other children through praise and encouragement. Teaching children to reflect upon their play, encouraging children to return to games, areas, activities that they may not have accessed for a while. Give children time to explore the activities and allow them to contribute. Through taking photographs of children engaged in an activity, and by returning to discuss the pictures at a later date, reminds the child and encourages them to think and recollect their experiences. Displaying these photos and giving them the child’s voice on either setting walls, or learning journals encourages children to contribute to their environment.
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