Thursday, December 26, 2019
Tragic Deaths During Witch Trials - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 676 Downloads: 10 Date added: 2019/05/21 Category History Essay Level High school Tags: Salem Witch Trials Essay Did you like this example? Although many accused were hanged some faced something worse. during the time of the witch trials, if someone was accused and didnt confess or take the attention off of them they were hanged on gallows hill where everyone watched. Those who faced other ways of death werent so lucky as to have an almost sudden death like appeal. One of the most rememberable tragic deaths was a 71-year-old named Giles Corey, but there were many others who didnt see the best death possible. Giles Corey, Lydia Dustin, Ann Foster, Sarah Osborne, and Roger Toothaker, along with other unnamed people, died but the ways were nowhere near as humane as they could have been. Giles Corey born in England about 1611 was one of the six men to be executed during the Salem witch trials of 1692. When asked to say names and accuse others of witchcraft 71-year-old Giles Corey refused to plead innocent or guilty in a court appearance. This lead to his brutal punishment. The elderly Giles Corey was crushed to death by stacks of thick stone slabs, not scared of facing his death. He was sentenced to peine forte et dure even though it was an illegal punishment and ended up being torturously crushed to death on or before September 18, 1692. His famous last words were remembered by most of them being more weight. These words were uttered as a final attempt to expedite his death while also showing that not even imminent death could convince him to go to trial. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Tragic Deaths During Witch Trials" essay for you Create order Although Giles suffered quite a bit others did as well. Four more of the convicted, Lydia Dustin, Ann Foster, Sarah Osborne, and Roger Toothaker, died in the unbearable conditions in the witch jails awaiting their execution dates. These people were the accused that either mainly got forgotten about or put on hold because of other trials. Not only were they just left in holding cells they were left in poor conditions with hardly any food or water. All of the jails intended to hold prisoners only temporarily were hot in summer and cold in winter. They often stank of dung and tobacco and were infested with lice. The dungeon was cold and foul smelling and kept in total darkness. Located near the north river it often flooded during high tide with water rising to the prisoners ankles. They were also victims of insulting unending examinations and excommunication from the churches. the small cells had no bedding and no bars on the cells as most prisoners accepted their punishment. For those who tried to escape if they were caught they would be immediately executed. For those who stayed and died after they were found dead they were thrown into shallow graves to live their afterlife in peace. In addition, seven others died in jail and faced the same fate. when people died inside the jail they were put into shallow graves while those who were hanged got proper burials. The society found that those who pled guilty and where hanged were still seen as children of God. They were seen as making up for their wrongdoings as a type of offering to god for peace. While those in jail were dying they went out and dug very shallow graves just big enough for them to squeeze the body into. Those who saw this fate were still seen as ungodly and were not worthy of a proper Christian burial like the rest. Even though being hanged isnt exactly a walk in the park others still face worse things. And though people dont see it as wrong because they were the accused their fate could have been changed if people around them werent so naive. Whether their death was out of dignities like Giles Corey or it was just someones unlucky day like those who died in jail the witch trials didnt have a good end ing for some. People should remember and acknowledge those who suffered and didnt have a proper Christian burial because yes they may have been witches, but they deserved a better end to their life.
Wednesday, December 18, 2019
Ugly The New Sexy, By Tanya Gonzalez - 2059 Words
Although Betty and some other characters in the show are regarded as ugly by stereotypically beautiful women, they seldom question the beauty standards and often choose to accept the situation, which shows their internalized sexism. In the first three seasons Betty remains the same body figure and clothing style, which is considered â€Å"ugly†by her colleagues. Though being optimistic and confident about her life, she admits her ugliness. Betty’s childhood memories are mostly negative because her classmates laughed at her appearance and made fun of her ugliness. Suffering from negative reactions from her peers, Betty accepts the mainstream beauty standards, admits that she is ugly, and frequently relates failure and her tragic past with her†¦show more content†¦Although Betty does attempt to challenge beauty stereotypes a few times in the show, the results are often unsatisfying and insignificant because of women’s internalized and externalized sexism. In the episode â€Å"Zero Worship†, Betty suggests Daniel to use more â€Å"healthy†models that are not overly skinny. Daniel accepts the suggestion and invites women from all ages, body shapes and sizes to be models for the fashion show. Although this seems like an attempt to challenge the one-dimensional beauty standard, the result is not significant at all. Betty only receives support from her boss Daniel, her family, and her nephew’s friend, Taylor. Moreover, Taylor does not express her applause in public. Instead, she sneaks out and talks to Betty secretly because she is afraid of letting her friends, who believe in mainstream beauty standards, know her thoughts. This scene implies the difficulties women face when challenging and refusing to accept externalized sexism, and insisting on their own belief of beauty. Internalized and externalized sexism trigger women’s beauty obsession and the show portrays the negative influence of beauty obsession. The food provided in Mode’s cafeteria and offices are usually sandwiches and salad. The workers seldom eat snacks, and they do not eat cheese or meat. Because of their beauty obsession, they cannot have a normal diet. In Debra Franko’s article â€Å"Considering J.Lo and Ugly Betty†, she researches the body
Monday, December 9, 2019
Business Communication of Emergency Care Service-myassignmenthelp
Question: Discuss about theBusiness Communication of Emergency Care Service. Answer: Introduction Emergency care service can be defined as instantaneous medical health care provided to a patient in order to treat or evaluate a specific medical condition which requires unscheduled medical care. Such services potentially fortify the medical healthcare facilities of a province by dealing with various medical circumstances. The provincial government also considers these services as a crucial factor of divisions due to its significant contribution in providing the improved standard of living (Bernaldo-De-Quirs, Piccini, Gmez Cerdeira, 2015). In this context, this research report is undertaken to critically analyze the attributes of emergency care services. Furthermore, proposals such as unilateral fee structure, standard scheduling of all paramedics, two-tiered service and reduction of admissions into recognized training programs are also critically examined and on the basis of findings, some recommendations are proposed for the provincial government to improvise the overall emergenc y care service. Unilateral Fee Structure The term unilateral fee structure is used to illustrate an independent format of fee regulations for all the sectors of the society. This helps in bringing transparency and impartiality to the society by discouraging the practices of bigotry among the society on the basis of caste, color, creed, and sex. It justifies the considerations associated with the lifestyle stability and balance among the masses of society. Moreover, it also rationalizes the prospect of equal opportunity and contribution for the population to voluntarily participate in the practices of emergency care services (Grai?, Mason Street, 2015). Furthermore, the effectiveness of the healthcare services also augments on incorporating the unilateral fee structure. However, on another part, there are some loopholes associated with the assimilation of the proposed practice. The foremost challenge for the provincial government is to compensate the services for the underprivileged population. Harmonizing the deprived people with the prosperous populace in unilateral fee structure can lead to severe monetary predicament (Grai?, et al., 2015). Every province comprises a diverse range of people, which cannot be synchronized on a common ground due to multiplicity in their culture, lifestyle, occupation and financial standards. Standard Scheduling of all Paramedics The term Paramedics is used for the person, who is medically trained in giving emergency health care help to the patient before they are taken to the hospital. They are trained practitioners in emergency medical services to cure accidental cases, severe injuries, and other epidemics. The scheduling of paramedics is centrally surrounded to instruct them about the conduct for various emergency care services (Myers, Wages, Rowe, Nollette, Touchstone, Sinclair Barger, 2018). Therefore, standard scheduling of all paramedics will facilitate the provincial government in providing high-quality healthcare training. Furthermore, it will also concentrate the decision-making power to the central body resulting in the overall development of the emergency care services. In contrast to this, learning compliance is explored as a potential challenge for this proposal. Every individual is different from nature and mental state, thus, it is not necessary that a standard format of practices can impart quality acquaintance to all the members. Every individual is compatible in his own form; hence, handling assorted mental state in a standard manner could lead to severe complexities for the provincial government in administrating the emergency care services (Isong, Dladlu Magogodi, 2016). Two-Tiered Service A two-tier healthcare service is considered as a promising proposal from the regional government for the betterment of existing emergency healthcare services. In this system, the primary healthcare practices for the patient are provided by the government whereas access to the second tier of care is for the people who can pay for better care, additional features, and faster access. Under this policy, the non-emergency cases of medical care are being outsourced by the government bodies to the independent providers (Bingham, Fossum, Barratt Bucknall, 2015). This assists the government is plummeting responsibilities of management and also facilitates the work opportunity for independent providers. In contradiction to the aforementioned advantages, dislocation of central power is a challenge aligned with this proposed policy. The centralized power of provincial government in the sector of medical healthcare facilities will be alienated among the different private bodies. Besides, the risk of corruption and unwarranted means will also augment due to privatization and dislocation of centralized power. Diversity and inequality among the society will also be encouraged due to this proposal as it promotes the acquisition of facilitates on the basis of payments (Bingham, et al., 2015). Reduction of Admissions into Recognized Training Programs Reducing the number of admissions into recognized training programs is a prospective measure proposed by the provincial government to sustainably develop the existing emergency care services. The proposed policy will compel the aspiring paramedics to become a part of the authentic longer and practical training programs (Baron, Beard, Davis, Delp, Forst, Kidd?Taylor Welch, 2014). Admittance to more efficient training programs will impart high-quality tactics to deal with emergency healthcare conditions. In addition to this, longer practical training sessions will afford a broader subject exposure for the aspiring paramedics. In negation to this, reduction of admissions in recognized training programs will lead to a critical issue of time relations. As compared to earlier times, the practice and learning sessions will get longer for the paramedics. The shorter duration of former practical and theoretical training was time efficient for the candidates in all aspects. Moreover, it was also beneficial for the government as shorter training forum means less cost of management (Baron, et al., 2014). Now, the proposed policy of longer practical and theoretical training will lead to high monetary regulations for the Health Ministry of the state. Recommendations On the basis of challenges and loopholes explored above, some promising recommendations for the Premier and the Minister of Health are proposed below: In order to deal with the challenge of unilateral fee structure, the provincial government is recommended to formulate a superior fee structure considering all the sectors of the society. In addition to this, they should also introduce some policies to smooth the progress of underprivileged population of the society (Carpenter, et al., 2014). The regional government is also proposed to take firm actions over the issue of standard scheduling of all paramedics. It should be understood that different characters are adaptable to a different situation, so it is not always possible to administer things with a single command. Hence, some efficient training strategies should be introduced to efficiently justify the scheduling of paramedics (Nicholson, McCollough, Wachira Mould-Millman, 2017). In order to deal with the concern of two-tiered service, the government is anticipated to remove inequality on the basis of financial regulations. The deprived sector of the society should be provided with some additional benefits in order to compensate their accessibility to the two-tiered system (James, Waggoner, Weiss, Patterson, Higgins, Lang Van Dongen, 2018). To overcome another loophole of time constraint due to longer practical and theoretical training, the provincial government is suggested to implement some effective practices in the practical training sessions of the paramedics. This will enhance the overall effectiveness of the training programs (Perkins, Travers, Berg, Castren, Considine, Escalante Olasveengen, 2015). Conclusion On the basis of all the arguments and facts presented above, it can be concluded that emergency care services play a crucial role in the contemporary living world. It facilitates the people with advanced healthcare facilities and emergency medical conveniences. Evermore, it is a vital contributor to the overall and sustainable development of the medical and healthcare facilities of the present time. Therefore, this report has discussed the attributes of emergency care services and policies associated with it. The critical analysis of the proposed strategies explored some advantages and challenges out of it. On the basis of investigated loopholes, some recommendations are proposed for the Premier and the Minister of Health. Overall, this report study has validated the purpose by presenting quality research content over the proposed topic. References Baron, S. L., Beard, S., Davis, L. K., Delp, L., Forst, L., Kidd?Taylor, A., Welch, L. S. (2014). Promoting integrated approaches to reducing health inequities among low?income workers: Applying a social-ecological framework. American journal of industrial medicine,57(5), 539-556. Bernaldo-De-Quirs, M., Piccini, A. T., Gmez, M. M., Cerdeira, J. C. (2015). Psychological consequences of aggression in pre-hospital emergency care: cross sectional survey.International journal of nursing studies,52(1), 260-270. Bingham, G., Fossum, M., Barratt, M., Bucknall, T. (2015). Clinical review criteria and medical emergency teams: evaluating a two-tier rapid response system.Critical Care and Resuscitation,17(3), 167. Carpenter, C. R., Bromley, M., Caterino, J. M., Chun, A., Gerson, L. W., Greenspan, J., Mortensen, B. (2014). Optimal older adult emergency care: introducing multidisciplinary geriatric emergency department guidelines from the American College of Emergency Physicians, American Geriatrics Society, Emergency Nurses Association, and Society for Academic Emergency Medicine.Journal of the American Geriatrics Society,62(7), 1360-1363. Grai?, K., Mason, A. R., Street, A. (2015). Paying for the quantity and quality of hospital care: the foundations and evolution of payment policy in England.Health economics review,5(1), 15. Isong, B., Dladlu, N., Magogodi, T. (2016). Mobile-Based Medical Emergency Ambulance Scheduling System.International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security,8(11), 14. James, F. O., Waggoner, L. B., Weiss, P. M., Patterson, P. D., Higgins, J. S., Lang, E. S., Van Dongen, H. P. (2018). Does implementation of biomathematical models mitigate fatigue and fatigue-related risks in emergency medical services operations? A systematic review.Prehospital emergency care,22(sup1), 69-80. Myers, J. B., Wages, R. K., Rowe, D., Nollette, C., Touchstone, M., Sinclair, J., Barger, L. K. (2018). What an Evidence-based Guideline for Fatigue Risk Management Means for Us: Statements From Stakeholders.Prehospital Emergency Care,22(sup1), 113-118. Nicholson, B., McCollough, C., Wachira, B., Mould-Millman, N. K. (2017). Emergency medical services (EMS) training in Kenya: Findings and recommendations from an educational assessment.African Journal of Emergency Medicine,7(4), 157-159. Perkins, G. D., Travers, A. H., Berg, R. A., Castren, M., Considine, J., Escalante, R., Olasveengen, T. M. (2015). Part 3: adult basic life support and automated external defibrillation: 2015 international consensus on cardiopulmonary resuscitation and emergency cardiovascular care science with treatment recommendations.Resuscitation,95, e43-e69.
Monday, December 2, 2019
Romeo and Juliet romance or tragedy Essay Example
Romeo and Juliet romance or tragedy Essay Romeo and Juliet was written by William Shakespeare in 1589. The tragedy and romance of the play has been performed many times in different ways, but is it really a romance or a tragedy?The prologue at the beginning of the play that is spoken by the chorus gives the audience a summarised story line so they know what to expect, The fearful passage of their death marked love. From the prologue, the audience will know if it is of a high-quality or an appalling play and if its a romance or a tragedy. The prologue in Romeo and Juliet is written in a sonnet form this means that the play is going to be about love in one way or another. The audience would recognize this but would also identify that the play being a tragedy by the way death is involved in the sonnet.In a typical romance the audience would expect to see two beautiful lovers fall for each other because of destiny and then they should live happily ever after. However Romeo and Juliet is not like this, the audience is constantly reminded that they are destined to be with each other but the two different families are pulling them apart. Consequently it gets too much for the pair of star-crossed lovers and tragically they are forced to suicide, the audience is frequently reminded with death throughout the play by the technique foreshadowing.Romeo and Juliet are two lovers that fall in love at first sight. They are both teenagers from two very different families with many family feuds. Juliet being a supposedly responsible daughter to Capulet and Lady Capulet meets with Romeo after Capulets party. Its here where the two lovers express their love for each other. Juliet declares her love in a short soliloquy at the beginning of Act 2 Scene 2 not knowing that Romeo is listening in Retain that dear perfection which he owes without that title. Juliet declares her love for Romeo in spite of his belongings to the hated Montagues.Juliet is carried away with feeling fond of Romeo even though she has only seen him once and she is not supposed to be with any Montague, the audience might also be carried away with the two lovers meeting that they don not realise the consequences of them falling in love apart from listening to the prologue. Romeo is a ladies man, he only fights when he needs to, thinks this hatred between Capulet and Montague should and he falls in love very easily. When the audience first meets Romeo he is in love with Rosaline, he is lovesick; he locks himself up, he avoids his friends and he hides underneath trees to cry about Rosaline. As well as being lovesick he is also confused, he is in love with Rosaline but she is not with him; Out of her favour where I am in love. This could be described as an oxymoron, as the speech has contradictory terms that do appear in conjunction to each other, in this instance it is love.When Romeo arrives at the Capulets party he immediately set his eyes on Juliet. The first thing he says about Juliet he uses a metaphor O she doth teach the torche s to burn bright! explaining that she is perfect and that everything lights up when she is around. This is also an example of hyperbole: extravagant and exaggerated language. The audience can now see that he has instantaneously fallen in love with Juliet neer saw true beauty till this night. Before he came to the party he was in love with Rosaline but his feelings have instantly changed to Juliet Did my heart love till now? he uses similes to describe how she stands out as a rich jewel in an Ethiops ear. He uses rhyming couplets in describing how perfect Juliet is.As soon as the two lovers eyes meet it is love at first sight. The audience knows this when they meet for this first time, their language and how they say it reveals how they feel for each other; the speech said by Romeo and Juliet together is in a sonnet form, this tells the audience that they are discussing love as soon as they meet. This may mean that they are in love. Using sonnets is a typical way in a Shakespearean r omance to express how two lovers feel for each other. Sonnet writing was a popular and a highly esteemed activity in Shakespeares day and age. In the sonnet when Romeo and Juliet first meet they use religious and romantic imagery. However, the religious imagery used by the pair should not deceive you into thinking that this is a religious or even solemn exchange.Juliet plays the proper young girls role of dissecting Romeos lines as fast as he can think them up. The religious language is more blasphemous than religious but it does show the audience that the couple are in love; O then, dear saint, let lips do what hands do: they pray, grant thou, lest faith turn to despair. Religion was an important part of love in the sixteenth century and Shakespeare maybe using this imagery to show that Romeo and Juliet are actually in love. The audience now believe that the two lovers will love each other for ever and live happily ever after just like a typical romance.The couple meet again the sa me night outside Capulets mansion. At the start of Act 2 Scene 2, Romeo tells the audience what he thinks of Juliet using a soliloquy, he explains that her eyes are two of the fairest stars in all the heavens and The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars. These quotations tell us that Romeo, even though falling in love at first sight, falls in love very easily. Romeo thinks Juliet is perfect and unreal.When seeing Juliet, Romeo fears because what is happening seems dream-like and out of this world I am afeard.all of this is but a dream too flattering sweet to be substantial. Romeo and Juliet have both fallen in love with each other very easily. Romeo also tells Juliet his life were better ended by their hate, than death proguà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d, wanting of thy love; he would rather die in love with Juliet than to die not in love with her. Although this sounds very sweet, it is also very foolish of him to say this as he has only just met Juliet, but this could be the love speaki ng, not him.Juliet, just like Romeo has fallen in love very easily. But she is the most sensible one out of the two; she fears for his safety and him being seen by her guards If they do see, they will murder thee. Juliet is a very young girl and she obeys her parents very much so loving Romeo and doing something on her own is a big step forward for her. Juliet is still quite unsure though; she asks Romeo straight out if he loves her Dost thou love me? this shows that Juliet is a bit uncertain about their quick romance. Juliet also fears their suddenness of their love, but although she is unsure she still wants to get married very quickly thy purpose marriage, send me word tomorrow!If not hearing the prologue the audience would now wonder if their love will actually last. Juliet is very cautious and frightened about their relationship but Romeo is so sure that they are meant for each even though he has just stopped loving Rosaline. This is the first real meeting of Romeo and Juliet i n private and from this scene there is no glimpse of any tragedy happening except from the quickness of their love and the couple being from different families, these are two big factors that play a part in the play a and a part in splitting up Romeo and Juliet. From this scene onwards the relationship and romance between the lovers go from good to bad.Act 3 Scene 1; this is another big scene in the play that shows the audience a part of the tragedy that is to come. There is action and tragedy in this fight scene. Up to this moment the audience has only seen romance, but this is where the play turns on its head and goes from romance to tragedy. The fight in this scene consists of three characters; Tybalt who wants to kill Romeo for supposedly gate crashing the Capulet party, Romeo who has just married Juliet and who wants to keep peace by not fighting with Tybalt good Capulet, which name I tender as dearly as mine own, be satisfied, Romeo is a womans man who wants reconciliation bet ween the two families and for there to be no fighting, he has also just married a Capulet who is Tybalts cousin (Juliet).Mercutio also plays a big part in the fight; he is furious when Romeo refuses to take up Tybalts challenge; O calm, dishonourable, vile submission. Mercutio makes the situation and the tragedy between Romeo and Juliet worse; he decides to fight Tybalt himself. They fight and Romeo, being married to a Capulet and not wanting the fight to go on, steps in to stop the fight. At this moment Mercutio gets stabbed.Ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man are the words from Mercutio after he had been stabbed, although being nearly dead Mercutio still uses puns and double meanings like grave, this symbolises death but could also mean solemn and upset. Romeo, feeling guilty because of Mercutio dying in his honour, feels that Juliet has made him womanly O sweet Juliet, thy beauty hath made me effeminate. Romeo and Juliets romance has now turned to their tragedy, one good man has died because of their romance. From this Romeo kills Tybalt which leads to another twist towards tragedy in the play.This scene marks the turning point where romance turns to tragedy with two close friends and family die, death and solemnity has occurred in this scene which leads to Romeo being banished from the city of Verona for killing a Capulet after the Prince had warned the Montagues and Capulets not to fight, his sentence was originally death but Romeo has only been banished. Romeo feels that he would rather die than to be left away from Juliet and his family But banishà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d to kill me? Banishà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½d? The audience now do not know where this twist will take the two lovers, what will happen to Romeo and Juliet? Where will this lead them? This is the first real time where tragedy has been involved in the play, from this moment onwards the audience will see a lot more tragedy instead of romance, but the audience would still think that play will end with two lovers together in true love.Romeo and Juliet now turn to the Friar for help; Romeo is being banished and Juliet is going to have to marry Paris even though she is married to Romeo. The Friar only makes the situation worse, he has apparently done well so far by marrying Romeo and Juliet, but this and all the other of his supposedly bright ideas turn Romeo and Juliets marriage into Romeo and Juliets death bed. The Friar finally gets another idea when Juliet threatens to kill herself. Romeo and Juliets marriage is slowly falling apart, again the audience are on the edge of their seats pondering what is going to happen.The Friar is literally forced by Juliet to make a last option Take thou this vial, being then in warmth, no breath shall testify thou livest.two and forty hours, and then awake from a pleasant sleep, Juliet will take a potion which makes her look dead, she will then awake in forty two hours where Romeo will be standing. Although this sounds like a good idea, it is relying so much on other people that it does not work out, this is the marking point where there whole romantic end turns to a tragic death of two lovers.Juliet takes the potion after having much doubt when the time arose, she is filled with fearful thoughts; is the Friar honest? Will she awake in the tomb before Romeo comes? Will she go mad with dread? How if, when I am laid into the tomb, I wake before the time that Romeo come to redeem me? this is just one of many thoughts playing with her mind. Eventually she drinks the potion, this displays true love between Juliet and Romeo; she has risked her life to be with Romeo Romeo, Romeo, Romeo! Heres drink I drink to thee.Before this scene there has been lots of clues to what is going to happen to the two lovers at the end of the play this technique is called foreshadowing; some vile forfeit of untimely death, my grave is like to be my wedding bed, Wisely and slow, they stumble that run fast, These violent delights have vi olent ends. All of these are telling the audience that death is upon the two lovers even though they are meant for each other. Even though the audience believed that the lovers were going to end up very happy, they still had references that the play was actually going to end with tragic end. These indications have been disguised within the play.The tragedy concludes in Act 5 Scene 3. It starts off like a typical romance with the brave hero (Romeo) killing the bad man (Paris) to et to his lover. He then sees Juliet under the influence of the potion but with Romeo thinking that Juliet is actually dead he says his last words O you the doors of breath, seal with a righteous kiss a dateless bargain to engrossing Death? The audience are shocked that the original romance has turned into a tragedy, the play has got the audience really into the act with them begging Juliet to wake up before Romeo kills himself. This is what makes the play effective with romance and tragedy being very big rol es within it. The two meant to be lovers have defied any typical romance to become a very dramatic tragedy.Romeo and Juliet is one of the biggest romantic and tragic plays in the world. The romance at the beginning of the play and the tragedy towards the end mixes the emotions of the audience to make them feel a part within the performance. The foreshadowing throughout the play gave the audience an idea of what to come at the end; These violent delights have violent ends, this is exactly what happens in the play. Romeo and Juliet are happily married until fate turns against them and destroys their relationship. Fate has the biggest part to play in the performance; it was fate that Romeo and Juliet saw each other in the first place, if any event did not take place then this romance would have never turned into a tragedy.This is also true for characters; every character played apart in making and destroying Romeo and Juliets marriage. Overall I think Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy, wit hout the tragedy at the end this play would have never been known, its the tragedy that makes the play. If this play was classed as a romance by any one then the person(s) couldnt have read the end of the play. It is the tragedy that makes the play work and the audiences last thought is that it has to be a tragedy otherwise the two lovers would not have died. The two lovers dying make the play a tragedy. A pair of star-crossed lovers take their life.
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Comparison and Contrast
Comparison and Contrast ‘To a Locomotive in Winter,’ is a poem by Walt Whitman. It is a poem about a powerful and strong locomotive. The speaker supports technological advancement of America as it is represented by the given locomotive. There is an attempt by the poet to connect science and poetry.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison and Contrast specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The poet tries to bridge the Romanticism movements which preceded him and modernism which was to follow. He romanticizes nature by bringing out its beauty, for instance he says, â€Å"O magnetic south.†The poem shuns classical emphasis on the order as well as the balance hence creating a unique style. Imagery has been used in the poem vividly to develop the theme, for aesthetics, movement and power. The poem describes the beauty and strength of the train. The port uses words like, â€Å"Thy ponderous side-bars†(Kennedy and Gioia 4 26). The poet uses words like â€Å"delicate†and â€Å"great†to bring out the beauty and strength of the train. All these come together creating the train’s motion. Onomatopoeia as well as the Doppler Effect has been used in the poem so as to create melodic effect. The poet has used poetic form and diction to bring out the tone and theme of the poem. The lyrical ‘I’ has been used to refer to the locomotive. Anaphors have also been used. Almost each line starts with â€Å"thy†or â€Å"thee.†The speaker is explicit as evident in the use of the lyrical ‘I’ which makes the poem seem like a prayer. The poet has used a formal structure. The poem is has free verses and it follows no regular pattern, a further symbolism for the locomotive that does not appear to move in a normal pattern. There is foreshadowing of the poem’s theme in the headline. It is clear from the start that the poet is going to talk about a locomoti ve. Description has been used to bring out the sound, motion, and appearance of the train (Kennedy and Gioia 427). In the second poem with the title, â€Å"I like to see it lap the miles.†As much as the subject is not explicitly named, the poem is about a train just like the first one. The poet seems to enjoy watching the train as it travels through the country as evident in the title. Imagery has been used at different levels in the poem. The imagination of the poet about the train is that of giant horse figure moving far and fast, in the process appearing to ‘lick up’ the countryside.Advertising Looking for essay on comparative literature? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The train is imagined as feeding at the tanks, either loading passengers or refueling. The size and might of the train are so enormous to the point that it is able to take a giant step around a mountain pile. Due to its pride i n enormous power and speed, the train looks arrogantly while passing sharks. This is a clear indication that the poet has used personification to give the train which is inanimate humanly characteristics. The poem has been framed as a riddle. This gives emphasis to the disconnection that exists between it as a mysterious creature as well as the natural environment inhabited by it. A strong juxtaposition has been used between the train and the natural world. In contrast to the first poem, the poet does not seemingly have a positive tone towards the poem. She does not have a liking for it. She describes it as superfluous and explicitly brings out the negative portrayal of the train. She doesn’t like the way in which it carves space out so as to fit its own ribs and in the long run transform the natural world to meet its own self centered needs. The poet carefully chooses the diction in bringing out the negative aspects of the train like, â€Å"†¦horrid,†â€Å"hoot ing,†and even â€Å"complaining.†While on its downhill movement, he describes it as â€Å"chasing itself.†Its great power irritates and disturbs them. The poet is almost pedantic in vocabulary use. A poem which in the real sense is something ordinary has been turned into something that is extraordinary through the description used. The poet has used natural images in describing this thing that has almost been named in the pun. It is first described as a cat which laps and licks. The overriding metaphor in the poem though seems to be comparing the horse. Much of the analogy use is in comparison to the horse (Kennedy and Gioia 427). The two poems therefore exhibit much imagery and personification in particular. Rhyme has also been used in the poem to bring out the musicality in the poem just as it is in the first poem. The heading in itself is a metaphor as well as it has been used symbolically. Kennedy, John and Gioia, Dana. Literature: An Introduction to Fict ion, Poetry, Drama, and Writing, 6th Compact Edition. New York: Pearson, Longman, 2010. Print.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Comparison and Contrast specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Stop seeking out approval and get happier
Stop seeking out approval and get happier We’ve all seen people on treadmills- either at the gym or on TV shows or in movies, and it’s always the same thing: someone is devoting a great deal of time and energy trying to race forward, but the truth is they aren’t actually getting anywhere. Did you know that there are â€Å"mental treadmills†that we often put ourselves on? We focus our thoughts, time, and mental energy on something that gets us nowhere. Worse than this, it keeps us from devoting our limited resources on more productive things that would actually help us achieve our goals in life. Not a good formula for lasting success, is it?One unfortunate but popular mental treadmill is the endless effort to gain the approval of others, which often leaves us unhappy, unfulfilled, and feeling worse and more rejected than before. We spend countless hours- in our daily lives, online, in our interactions with others, and in our decision-making regarding everything from what we wear to what we say and how we behave- trying to get others to approve of us, and it can be thoroughly exhausting. It forces us to expend a lot of effort without really getting us anywhere.Let’s take a closer look at the approval treadmill and discover how we can get off of it once and for all!It’s natural to want approval.First off, breathe- it’s completely normal to want to seek the approval of others. The truth is, humans are social creatures and we’re wired to seek the company and acceptance of people we encounter- from peers and colleagues to acquaintances and neighbors and everyone in between. Simply put, we want to be acknowledged and liked, as it reinforces our sense of self and our life choices, and it provides a boost to our self-esteem.Furthermore, seeking the approval of others can be a strategically adaptive life tool. For example, having a positive mentor or role model in our lives whose approval we are constantly pushing ourselves to attain can really help us ach ieve our goals.A problem arises when we become hyper-focused on the approval of others. This need for external approval and the resultant boost of good feelings it can bring can literally become like a drug, and once we’re hooked it’s tough to get free from it. We tend to want and need larger and larger doses of it to feel â€Å"whole,†and we lose the ability to feel contentment or fulfillment from within. Ultimately, this need for external approval is not a sustainable formula for happiness, and we’re left feeling rejected, exhausted, and alienated from our friends and family. And chances are, the people around us feel frustrated by our constant neediness.It isn’t difficult to imagine a scenario where an intense focus on seeking approval from others can blow up in our faces. Imagine being the person at work who’s always second-guessing himself or herself and asking people for their opinions on every single work task and project. Imagine sp ending way too much time obsessing about your outfits every morning, full of anxiety about what others will think? Imagine feeling the pressure of wondering how everything you say, every gesture and bit of body language will be received by those around you? It’s exhausting!There’s just no way that coworkers and colleagues will be able to keep up with your never-ending demands for approval, and the end result will be them getting frustrated and turned off by your neediness- and you’ll wind up feeling rejected and unhappy, which could even affect your work performance.This â€Å"backfire effect†from seeking the approval of others isn’t just a workplace phenomenon. It can negatively affect all aspects of your life, so it makes sense to take this seriously and try to end the vicious cycle.Get off the approval treadmill.Here’s the bottom line: if you spend a great deal of time and effort on seeking the approval of others, don’t beat yours elf up- it’s a natural human urge. But if it’s ultimately leaving you feeling rejected, use the following strategies to try and free yourself from the approval treadmill.Learn to find approval from within.Some people are naturally good at finding internal motivation and self-satisfaction, while others struggle. Which one best describes you? If you’re among the latter, that’s ok- it isn’t a terminal condition! Give yourself the power to approve of your life decisions and feel confident in your choices. After all, you’re the most important person in your life, so trust yourself and your opinions, and be good enough to yourself to realize that the only approval you really need is your own!Don’t try so hard.Here’s an interesting facet of human social interaction- most of us can tell when someone is trying too hard to get others to like him or her, and it’s usually a real turnoff and has the reverse effect. So, not only are y ou spending extra energy at trying too hard, it has the reverse effect of what you’re hoping for! People usually respond best to those who are genuine and true to themselves, and don’t seem desperate to receive the approval of others, so it’s worth giving a try.Be your best self.Not trying too hard does not mean not trying at all and giving up! We do want people to think well of us, we just don’t want to be insincere. We should always strive to be our best possible selves and to make good decisions with the feelings and needs of others taken into consideration. What’s the best part about this approach? When you share this great version of yourself with the world, that approval from others that you’re seeking will come naturally!Move on when it’s time.Here’s some more truth for you: not everyone that you encounter in life is going to like you (hard to believe, I know), and there are just some folks who’ll never provide th at approval that you’re seeking. When you encounter these people, be polite, but don’t beat yourself up or waste too much effort trying to constantly get their approval- it just isn’t going to happen. Cut your losses and move on- there’ll be plenty of people that you’ll come across in life who will like you for who you are and let you know it!End the rejection.It’s okay to admit that you’ve taken more than a few runs on the approval treadmill- we all have at one time or another, and though it’s more than likely that the experience left you feeling worse than you did before you started, you can now see that there are ways to get off of it and end the rejection. Good luck!
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Promised land or purgatory Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Promised land or purgatory - Essay Example But it has taken useful and proven information from Psychiatrist John Ratey, from research of Carolyn Meltzer on serotonin, pharmacy, hospital and social care information on over-medication. It has also collected valuable information from aging, but mentally and physically agile people like Professor Scheibel about brain’s plasticity. Further information is collected from aerobic studies along with data from active social life of improved self-worth. Report includes results from studies by Joel Tsevat on social contact, scientists’ research on anti-aging remedies in search of Fountain of Youth, and studies on antioxidants. 4. Author discovered that with proper guidance and right steps, mental problem in old age could be completely avoided2, anti-aging remedies and antioxidants are ineffective, social contact and psychological positive thinking are helpful and over-medication could lead to disaster in old age. Report says that brain’s plasticity could be maintained well into very old age by mental work forcing the brain to evolve, while, aerobic and normal exercises keep the mind agile. Altruism, friendship and social relationships are important for feeling of self-worth. This would also help in negating the useless feeling and aggressive nature due to helplessness of old age3. 5. Report does not mention the food and nutrition that could strengthen the elderly. It has not given a thought for the nutritious food that should be consumed in preparation to old age, so that old age could be healthier mentally and physically. Also it lacks information about Eastern and Western differences because Eastern elderly are not lonely and hence, are not troubled much by mental problems. 6. Report provides a very positive view about old age, rightly condemning the horrifying picture of old age the suicide agents like Jack Kevorkian provide. It warns against over medication and lethargic way of life, and rightly so. It has focused on social contact, a much needed
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Media Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1
Media - Research Paper Example Despite the conventional assumption that social media suited the Millennial Generation, it is evident that Baby boomers have adopted social media as the contemporary form of communication. The question relating to the means in which social media has shaped an individual’s life shares almost similar answers from everyone who utilizes social media. As such, it is evident that social media has shortened communication channels, making it easier to reach out to people at low costs regardless of the physical distance. For instance, communicating abroad through mobile networks require additional charges unlike social media whereby all that is needed is a reliable internet connection. The reduced costs of communication that accompany social media have enhanced social interaction among peers. As such, social media has removed some of the inherent barriers to effective communication among individuals who could not afford the extra costs of communicating with people abroad. Social media has been embraced in the business world to enhance the process of establishing a global market. As such, various social media play different role in ensuring that the intended message is communicated as desired. For instance, Facebook and Twitter allow users to communicate in short messages also termed as â€Å"Micro blogs.†On the other hand, Instagram allows users to communicate in form of picture messages. LinkedIn takes a different approach and creates a platform for work professionals to share their profiles. As such, every aspect of social media is differentiated to ensure that the user needs are met without overlapping. The functions of different social media ensure that the services offered are all round, making it a comprehensive communication platform. Social media, being a comprehensive communication platform, has myriad drawbacks besides boasting of numerous benefits. The most evident benefit of social media is
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Syllabus Designing - Review of Literature Essay Example for Free
Syllabus Designing Review of Literature Essay English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is often underestimated because of teachers attitudes which are often characterized either by condescension or reluctance. This is manifested in the belief that often prevails among teachers that ESP is for those who cannot teach the real language. A good example of this situation is English in other departments or The Language Unit at university where teaching this component of the students program of studies is generally the responsibility of junior members of staff and where it is a slot-filling subject in the teachers time-tables. This underestimation may be due to the fact many language teachers are not aware of what it means to be an ESP teacher, and what it takes to be successful in this practice. The situation in the Tamil Nadu is even more complicated as there is not even a separation between ESP and English for General Purposes (EGP) when it comes to syllabuses and methodology, and who is better trained to teach what. Needs assessment, which is a major component of ESP, never exists, and, if does, it is never systematic, but rather based on teachers intuitions. Moreover, the methodology adopted in teaching never differs. That is, a teacher would enter a class with the same kind of methodology in mind regardless of the aims of each program. Unfortunately, programs are always put in the same basket and are always simply labelled as programs for Teaching English. As a matter of fact, English is not always just English for there are particularities that ought to be taken into consideration when designing syllabuses and practicing teaching depending on the objectives set for each situation. Definition of ESP (English for Specific Purposes) The term of ESP is generally represented as ‘English for Specific Purposes’, which emphasizes on the students’ purposes and refers to the whole range of language resources (Robinson, 1980). A definition of ESP given by Strevens (1988, p. 1 2) is that ESP needs to distinguish between four absolute and two variable characteristics namely: a. Absolute characteristics: ESP consists of English language teaching which is: designed to meet specified needs of the learners related in content (i. e. in its themes and topics) to particular disciplines, occupations and activities entered on the language appropriate to those activities, in syntax, lexis, discourse, semantics, etc. in contrast with ‘General English’. b. Variables characteristics: ESP may be, but is not necessarily: restricted as to the language skills to be learned (e. g. reading only, etc. ) taught according to any pre-ordained methodology (i. e. ESP is not restricted to any particular methodolog y – although communication methodology is very often felt to be most appropriate). Munby (1978, 1996) defined ESP in relation to ESP courses based on the analysis of the students’ language needs. His definition of ESP is still current as follows: â€Å"ESP courses are those where the syllabus and materials are determined in all essentials by the prior analysis of the communication needs of the learner†(p. 2). The interpretation of the expression ‘learner need’ deals with two different aspects of needs (Widdowson, 1984, p. 178), referring to (1) what the learner needs to do with the language once he or she has learned it. This is a goal-oriented definition of needs and relates to ‘terminal behavior’, the ends of learning. (2) [W]hat the learner needs o do to actually acquire the language. This is a process-oriented definition of needs, and relates to ‘transitional behavior’, the means of learning. In ESP, the ends of learning are as important as the means in spite of being normally goal-oriented (Hutchinson Waters, 1987; McDonough, 1984; Robinson, 1991), that is, ESP is meant â€Å"the teaching of English, not as an end in itsel f, but as an essential means to a clearly identifiable goal. †(Mackay, 1978, p. 92) The term of ‘ESP’ has thus been used by different people to mean different things (Blackie, 1979). Nonetheless, the claims for ESP normally have in common in a sense that ESP is not a new approach, but an emphasis on English teaching that should be matched to the students’ specific needs and purposes for their study of English (De Jesus, 1999; Hutchinson Waters, 1984, 1987; La Perla, 1984; Mackay, 1978; McDonough, 1984; Munby, 1978, 1996; Robinson, 1980, 1991; Strevens, 1977; Swales, 1985). Chambers and McDonough (1981) argue that the ‘specific’ in English for specific purposes should refer to both the purpose the language is being used for and the language itself. Three kinds of purposes suggested by Mackay and Mountford (1978) are: 1. â€Å"occupational requirements†, e. g. for international telephone operators, civil airline pilots, etc. ; 2. â€Å"vocational training program†, e. g. for hotel and catering staff, technical trades, etc. ; and 3. â€Å"academic or professional study†, e. g. engineering, medicine, law, etc. Accordingly, an ESP course is pertinently purposeful and is aimed at the successful performance of either occupational/vocational or educational roles (Robinson, 1980) or both. Moreover, Robinson (1991) argues that the language produced as a feature of ESP should be good enough for the job and not be necessarily native-speaker like, but be the communicative strategies and effectiveness of the non-native professional users of English. History of ESP According to Johns’ (1991) discussion, the ESP history in brief with respect to its development and expansion throughout the world has been influenced by the major theoretical and applied schools of linguistics and developed into four phases. The first phase (the 1960s and the early 1970s) was the structure-based phase of linguistic (i. . lexical and grammatical) features of academic and professional registers, for example, the language of electrical engineering and the language of law (e. g. Herbert, 1965). The second phase (the late 1970s and the early 1980s) was the discourse-based phase of register analysis where the function and purpose in discourse became more rhetorical (e. g. Trimble, 1985). The th ird phase (the integration of the discoveries in phase 1 and phase 2) was communication-based phase of systematic analyses of the target learning ituations which concentrate on Munbyian concepts of ‘notional-functional curriculum’ (Munby, 1996), namely: (a) the communicative purposes of speaker/writer; (b) the setting for language use; and (c) the mode of communication and language use. This leads to the language teaching in a communicative approach. The fourth phase (the late 1980s and the 1990s) has been focused on the strategies which learners employ to acquire the target language where the needs analysis (or needs assessment) centers on activities or procedures leading to effective teaching and learning (e. . Hutchinson Waters, 1987). Throughout the past four decades of the history of ESP, the areas of theoretical development and interest in teaching and learning of ESP, relating to the two main branches of ESP: EST and NON-EST, seem to include an interest in regis ter, discourse analysis, the specification of students’ needs (and wants), study skills, or in various methodological approaches to the development of communicative competence (Flowerder, 1990).
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Ratification of the American Constitution :: American America History
Ratification of the American Constitution With the Constitution, the elite society protected rights for every American that would secure and ensure our nation's existence for hundreds of years. Under the Articles of Confederation, the United States' government was in a state of chaos. To end the existing chaos and build a stronger democratic society for the future, the government would need to be more powerful and centralized. Thus, the elite class established the rules and boundaries that would protect the rights of all citizens from a suppressive government. The Articles created a weak, almost nonexistent national government that was in complete control by the states. The newly formed government had neither an executive or judicial branch, which meant that it lacked enforcement powers. There were three problems that existed under the Articles of Confederation that would spawn an act of change. First, under the Articles of Confederation the government could not protect property and other rights of the citizens. Second, the society created under the Articles of Confederation lacked a means of advancing commerce and interstate trade. Third, government lacked the money and power to provide an adequate national defense. Traders and commercial men found their plans for commerce on a national scale impeded by local interference with interstate commerce. The currency of the states and the nation were hopelessly muddled. Creditors everywhere were angry about the depreciated paper money which the agrarians had made and were attempting to force upon those from whom they had borrowed specie. Poor, small landowning farmers could not sell or trade goods that they produced on their land to other states. The "muddled currency" in 1786, led to the loss of land in Massachusetts. During this time Continental army veterans were unable to pay their debts with the paper money that they were supplied with by the Continental Congress. This bankruptcy led to the loss of land and a great rebellion led by Daniel Shays. The Shay's rebellion was ended easily enough but it was the lack of national government that frightened people. Had Daniel Shays gathered a larger number of people and had more fire power the small amount of farmers and townspeople might not have been able to squash this rebellion. Anarchy in the States could not be tolerated. However it was James Madison that stated that the way to abolish the rule by faction is to abolish liberty but that liberty is essential to a faction Ratification of the American Constitution :: American America History Ratification of the American Constitution With the Constitution, the elite society protected rights for every American that would secure and ensure our nation's existence for hundreds of years. Under the Articles of Confederation, the United States' government was in a state of chaos. To end the existing chaos and build a stronger democratic society for the future, the government would need to be more powerful and centralized. Thus, the elite class established the rules and boundaries that would protect the rights of all citizens from a suppressive government. The Articles created a weak, almost nonexistent national government that was in complete control by the states. The newly formed government had neither an executive or judicial branch, which meant that it lacked enforcement powers. There were three problems that existed under the Articles of Confederation that would spawn an act of change. First, under the Articles of Confederation the government could not protect property and other rights of the citizens. Second, the society created under the Articles of Confederation lacked a means of advancing commerce and interstate trade. Third, government lacked the money and power to provide an adequate national defense. Traders and commercial men found their plans for commerce on a national scale impeded by local interference with interstate commerce. The currency of the states and the nation were hopelessly muddled. Creditors everywhere were angry about the depreciated paper money which the agrarians had made and were attempting to force upon those from whom they had borrowed specie. Poor, small landowning farmers could not sell or trade goods that they produced on their land to other states. The "muddled currency" in 1786, led to the loss of land in Massachusetts. During this time Continental army veterans were unable to pay their debts with the paper money that they were supplied with by the Continental Congress. This bankruptcy led to the loss of land and a great rebellion led by Daniel Shays. The Shay's rebellion was ended easily enough but it was the lack of national government that frightened people. Had Daniel Shays gathered a larger number of people and had more fire power the small amount of farmers and townspeople might not have been able to squash this rebellion. Anarchy in the States could not be tolerated. However it was James Madison that stated that the way to abolish the rule by faction is to abolish liberty but that liberty is essential to a faction
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Null and Alternative Hypotheses
The development of null and alternative hypotheses was a difficult task for us at first. I think that people might have had issues understanding exactly what the difference was. I know that I myself had difficulty at first and ended up listening to the archived chats and reaching out to other members of my group for help. After doing all this and conducting some research online, I was finally able to grasp the concept. As the group communicated back and forth it was evident that we all agreed on a decision. The decision was to recommend the alternative hypothesis and support the plan that allowed cash back when the consumer makes an online purchase. My group decided on supporting the alternative hypothesis. We felt that it was in the best interest of Armed Forces Credit Union to proceed with offering cash back on all purchases made online. We thought this would benefit both the Credit Union and the consumer. By not restricting the incentive to only shoe stores, Armed Forces Credit Union allows the customer freedom to purchase any product and receive cash back. This in turn will increase the use of the credit card being offered by the Credit Union. This will also be an incentive to have customers apply for a credit card if they do not already have one. In the end, this option provided a better opportunity for growth for Armed Forces Credit Union. In order to explain the purpose of developing null and alternative hypotheses, we must first understand exactly what each of these is.
Sunday, November 10, 2019
The Day She Left Me Home Alone
The day she left me home alone. Realizing when ones childhood is beginning to fade is not an event that can be targeted at an exact time in an individual’s life. Childhood begins to vanish differently for people based on culture, age, and life experiences. My childhood started to end when I was 7 years old; the day she left me home alone. My mother had just become a single mother running from an abusive relationship with my father and had to begin life anew.My strong dependency on my mother and the illusion of being an only child, due to me being the youngest of several older brothers and sisters, made the thought of â€Å"growing up†a nightmare. Realization of my soon approaching adulthood became evident, as I had to face the difficulties of being distant from my mother, learning to connect socially with peers, taking on more self-responsibility, and the building of self-confidence. These trials and tribulations would help to lead me to a higher level of maturity and a true realization of life.Although what I endured forcefully was difficult, the most challenging would be my distancing from my mother the security that linked me to my youth. Severing the bond between a mother and child is a tough task at any given stage of life. This was especially difficult for my mother as I was her only girl and youngest child. Being a single mother and working two jobs created excessive hardship for my mother. Her constant struggle with taking me to her place of work left her with no other choice than to leave me at home.This was the first time that I had to truly cope with being away from her and it was an immense strain on my emotional state. My next challenge ensued when I had to begin spending time with my father. Several years after my parent’s separation my father later remarried became a new man, giving the judicial system the opinion that I should see my father more often. My pursuit into the new world known as my father’s house, otherwi se known to me as â€Å"hell†, forced me to spend countless weekends and summers with my new family, my step siblings and step mother.This unfamiliar change was the cause of my strong desire to remain sheltered beneath my mother’s wing but instead nature would drive me towards a more self-reliant road. Be that as it may, I would not change overnight. I still struggled to be away from my mother when it came time for school. Most children struggle with the concept of going to school. Leaving ones comfort zone and journeying into a strange new territory is of great significance in an individual’s life. Most children learn to adapt with in the first year or so. I however, was the exception to the rule.Attending public education was an adjustment of epic proportions in my young life. I struggled with the issue for several years. Every year school started I wished to be expunged from existence. My problem was not with the other children; I worked well with others. Rat her my issue was with the thought of being away from my mother. Although I got along smashingly with the other children, I did not converse very much. My close relationship with my mother led me to believe she and only she was someone I could truly convey my ideas with.I also did not speak with others because their tales of their lives at home seemed somewhat abnormal to me. Tales of brothers and sisters, close families and a home consisting of a mother and a father seemed unusual. Although I had brothers and sisters, we were distant. I knew of my father, but he and my mother did not live under the same roof. Another issue I had to face was my abnormal mother. What made her abnormal was the fact that she was a single, hard working mother. This indifference from my peers and societies opinions gave me the impression that I was an outcast.Eventually I would come to realize that I was not the only person in the world under such circumstances. Learning to open up to others caused me to realize that I wasn’t alone. Interacting with other children like myself helped me to be more social and gain greater connections with my peers. I then had the ability to deal with others, but still lacked in dealing with myself. Responsibility is an inherited trait. It is not cast upon an individual in one particular place or time. At certain stages of life, responsibility starts to become more important and has a greater affect on a person’s growth and development.From the time I could talk, my mom began teaching me the importance of responsibility. Nevertheless, my first true test came when I was left alone at home. While my mother was away, she entrusted me with the task of preparing my own food. Learning to cook for myself gave me more confidence and helped me to be less dependent on my mother. As my mother became aware of my newly responsible personality, she decided to entrust me with greater responsibilities. After moving, my mother did not want to switch me fr om the school I was attending so I remained there until the end of that school year.In the beginning, she rode the public bus and walked down the neighborhood to get me. After noticing that I could reside at home alone and care for myself my mother decided that I could handle walking down the neighborhood to meet her at the bus. Being with my peers was hard, dealing with my stepsiblings was an ordeal, and being at home alone was unimaginable. Nonetheless, the most unbearable of them all was walking alone; surrounded by strangers and an unfamiliar environment made me uneasy.Eventually, I came to realize that it was a part of life, part of being responsible and that I was growing up. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I was finally learning to deal with my several issues. The responsibilities laid upon me helped me to be more understanding of life and the ways of the world. My self-dependence began to grow as well as my self-confidence. Growing out of childhood and into adulthood does no t instantly occur; many people experience several events that transpire before they reach adulthood.In spite of that, there are always significant moments that have to pin point the beginning of one’s journey. For me this consisted of being left to fend for myself at home, learning to adapt socially with individuals amongst me and beginning to deal with real life responsibilities. These several adversities strengthened my confidence, stability, and self-reliance, as well as my outlook on the world and others. My childhood and my attachment to my mother where far from severed relatively the experience had opened to door to a new path of life, helping me to grow further from my old mind frame.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
The Clouds essays
The Clouds essays They fear and see philosophy as a threat that will shake their sense of spiritual security or fissure their soda-cracker-like faith which is seemingly solid, but just a touch of philosophys sturdy hand crumbles this faith before their very eyes. (Velasco, 54) This line struck me when I was reading the articles because it is true especially in my life. Ever since I was young I always believed that I had strong faith in my religion, which is Roman Catholic. First of all, I considered God as a part of my life. I hardly missed masses during Sundays. I make sure that I pray when I wake up, before and after eating and even before sleeping. Another reason is because he became like a friend to me whom I can run to through all my trials and triumphs. Whenever I prayed to God, he would grant my hopes and wishes. Whenever I felt down, I would feel his presence helping me to recover. I remember an instance which made my faith even stronger. When I was a senior in high school, I really wanted to study in DLSU because I saw how my sister acquired great knowledge in this institution, which she is currently using in her job. And when I found out that I did not pass here, I prayed hard and went to mass almost everyday so that God would see how eager I was in studying in DLSU. After a few months, I found out that I was reconsidered and I considere d it as one of Gods works, which made my faith even stronger. Even when I have reached my goals, I would thank him for always guiding and supporting me through it all because I know he had a hand on that certain achievement. In short, God was part of my daily routine. Before entering college, I was warned by a lot of people that college is a time when one questions and at the same time loses ones religion. It was not a problem for me then because I never questioned my faith or even doubt Gods existence. However, after being exposed to the six points of view I see thing...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Prussian Needle-Gun - Austro-Prussian War
Prussian Needle-Gun - Austro-Prussian War Creation of the famed Prussian Needle Gun began in 1824, when gunsmith Johann Nikolaus von Dreyse first began experimenting with rifle designs. The son of a locksmith in SÃ ¶mmerda, Dreyse spent 1809-1814 working in the Parisian gun factory of Jean-Samuel Pauly. A Swiss, Pauly tinkered with various experimental designs for breech-loading military rifles. In 1824, Dreyse returned home to SÃ ¶mmerda and opened a business producing percussion caps. Utilizing the knowledge he gained in Paris, Dreyse began by designing a muzzle-loading rifle that fired a self-contained cartridge. These cartridges consisted of a black powder charge, a percussion cap, and a bullet wrapped in paper. This single unit approach greatly reduced the time needed to reload and permitted a higher rate of fire. When the weapon was fired a long firing pin was driven by a coiled, conchoidal spring through the powder in the cartridge to strike and ignite the percussion cap. It was this needle-like firing pin which gave the weapon its name. Over the next twelve years, Dreyse changed and improved the design. As the rifle evolved, it became a breech-loader which possessed a bolt action. Revolutionary By 1836, Dreyses design was essentially complete. Presenting it to the Prussian Army, it was adopted in 1841 as the Dreyse ZÃ ¼ndnadelgewehr (Prussian Model 1841). The first practical breech-loading, bolt action military rifle, the Needle Gun, as it became known, revolutionized rifle design and led to the standardization of cartridged ammunition. Specifications Cartridge: .61 acorn-shaped round, paper cartridge w/ black powder and percussion capCapacity: 1 roundMuzzle Velocity: 1,000 ft./sec.Effective Range: 650 yds.Weight: approx. 10.4 lbs.Length: 55.9 in.Barrel Length: 35.8 in.Sights:Â notch and front postAction:Â bolt- actionolt-action The New Standard Entering service in 1841, the Needle Gun gradually became the standard service rifle of the Prussian Army and many other German states. Dreyse also offered the Needle Gun to the French, who after testing the weapon declined to purchase it in large quantities citing the weakness of the firing pin and a loss of breech-pressure after repeated firing. This latter issue led to a loss in muzzle velocity and range. First used by the Prussians during the 1849 May Uprising in Dresden, the weapon received its first true baptism by fire during the Second Schleswig War in 1864. Austro-Prussian War In 1866, the Needle Gun showed its superiority to muzzle-loading rifles during the Austro-Prussian War. In battle, Prussian troops were able to achieve a 5-to-1 superiority in rate of fire to their Austrian enemies due to the Needle Guns loading mechanism. The Needle Gun also allowed Prussian soldiers to easily reload from a concealed, prone position while the Austrians were forced to stand to reload their muzzle-loaders. This technological superiority greatly contributed to the swift Prussian victory in the conflict. Franco-Prussian War Four years later the Needle Gun was back in action during the Franco-Prussian War. In the years since Dreyse had offered his rifle to the French, they had been working on a new weapon which corrected the issues they saw with the Needle Gun. Despite its success during the Austro-Prussian War, the French criticisms of the weapon had proven true. Though easily replaced, the rifles firing pin had proven fragile often lasting only a few hundred rounds. Also, after several rounds, the breech would fail to close completely forcing Prussian soldiers to fire from the hip or risk being burned in the face by escaping gasses. Competition In response, the French designed a rifle known as the Chassepot after its inventor, Antoine Alphonse Chassepot. Though firing a smaller bullet (.433 cal.), the Chassepots breech did not leak which gave the weapon a higher muzzle velocity and greater range than the Needle Gun. As French and Prussian forces clashed, the Chassepot inflicted significant casualties on the invaders. Despite the effectiveness of their rifles, French military leadership and organization proved vastly inferior to the Needle Gun-equipped Prussians and led to their swift defeat. Retirement Recognizing that the Needle Gun had been eclipsed, the Prussian military retired the weapon after their victory in 1871. In its place, they adopted the Mauser Model 1871 (Gewehr 71) which was the first in a long line of Mauser Rifles used by the German military. These culminated with the Karabiner 98k that saw service during World War II. Selected Sources New York Times (December 25, 1868): The Needle Gun - Dissatisfaction with it in the Army
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Researched Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Researched Report - Essay Example y have been focusing on the international growth, planning, identifying the good location to set up new businesses and formulation of quality enhancements strategies. The company applies three identifiable steps while offering services to customers, which include a focus on giving a warm and sincere greeting to customers, ensuring that the customers’ needs are fulfilled and offering a fond farewell that entails a warm good-bye. Therefore, the organization has been well identified for offering their customers with consistent services throughout their businesses. In fact, they have managed to establish Gold standards for services offered to customers, which contribute to competitive advantage and increased customer loyalty. The organization uses their employees to achieve the objective of offering satisfying services to their customers. In fact, the employees are referred to as the passionate advocates of the organization, whereby they depict personal attributes that are identified by managers during the recruitment and interview of the candidates. In this case, the organization has focused on managing the quality of services to achieve the customer expectations from various dimensions such as use of experience, word of mouth and advertising. The organization has established a culture appeal to increased value to employees working in the organization in a way that facilitates intrinsic sense of distinctiveness and commitment. Therefore, this has been facilitating the sustainability and profitability of the services offered to customers. The organization has also developed a culture of concurring people to be substantial elements in an organization due to articulation to policies, whereby making a substantial contribution to the improvement and sustainability of experiences in the quality of their services. Nevertheless, the paper will focus on assessing the culture of Ritz-Carlton hotel culture. It will offer relevant recommendations on ways that an organization
Friday, November 1, 2019
Chose an interesting Topic - Make it strong or Use Bridging the Essay
Chose an interesting Topic - Make it strong or Use Bridging the Digital Divide - Essay Example Such is the case with the urbanized communities, who are in a better position to access such technologies, as opposed to the rural communities. The access to computer and other forms of technology comes with its educational advantage, where the societies accessing the computers have higher chances of becoming educated than those who do not have the access (Bridging the Digital Divide, 49). Owing to digital divide, Nicholas Negroponte started the One Laptop per Child Program (OLPC), whose main objective was to bridge the digital divide, by making computers available and accessible to all children all over the world. Despite facing various challenges, the program has registered considerable success, by making computers accessible to many children all over the world, with some countries such as Uruguay completely meeting the objective of providing every child with a computer (Bridging the Digital Divide, 50). Due to the power and electricity accessibility problems in different parts of the world, as well as the internet infrastructural issues, the program focuses on availing computers that are not entirely dependent on electricity as a source of power and with inbuilt internet accessibility. This has seen the development of Computer models such as the OX-I, OX-1.75 and OX-3(Bridging the Digital Divide, 50). This initiative has seen other technology companies such as Intel launch similar programs, with its Classmate-PC initiative that has since made computers even more accessible to different parts of the world. The importance of such programs in bridging the digital divide cannot be overemphasized. Question 1 There are various reasons why digital divide matters to children and their families. First, digital divide places some sections of the community at an advantage over the others, through providing them with opportunities for education and information accessibility, which the other sections lack (Servon, 48). Digital divide also matters to children and their pa rents, since it serves to increase the social and economical inequality, through making computer technology affordable to the families that are at a higher economic level, enabling their children to enjoy the benefits that come with computer and internet skills, while the poor families are left behind. This translates to the rich families dominating the poor families in social aspects, such as economical and political (James, 15). Digital divide also determines the infrastructural development of the society. This means that the societies that have access to computer technology will also enjoy other infrastructural development such as electricity, compared to societies with no computer technology access. This translates to families and children who have no computer technology access remaining disadvantaged by underdevelopment (Yelton, 33). Question 2 The OLPC project will be successful. This is because; the program has translated into reality in countries such as Uruguay and parts of the US, with the same also happening in Australia and Rwanda, and in other countries in the near future (James, 23). Additionally, the initiative to provide every child with a laptop is attractive to many philanthropists, NGOs, charitable organizations and even governments, which can easily translate such a program to
Wednesday, October 30, 2019
2 important issues for paralegals today licensing and unauthorzed Research Paper
2 important issues for paralegals today licensing and unauthorzed practice of law by non-lawyers - Research Paper Example For example in some states, it is regarded as a felony which can lead to a sentence of a minimum of five years, or a fine of not less than five thousand dollars, regardless of whether the unauthorized person had permission from court (Susan 2007 p 158). However, other states grant permission to unlicensed people to offer certain services such as selling legal forms, and providing common instructions and other services whereby the interest of clients may not be put at stake. They are preferred by clients because they charge lower prices than the attorneys. Blades and Vermylen (2004 p 642) observe that information technology has brought drastic changes in the legal profession. People are able to access critical information regarding legal issues from the internet. This has been a major improvement in enlightening the public regarding their legal rights. However, people are exposed to the wrong information generated by the unauthorized practicing lawyers that can jeopardize their rights. This is because both the authorized and unauthorized lawyers can post unlimited information on websites. The most risky part is where a client completes a deal in the website, where there is no interaction between the lawyer and the client. Such passive websites may be used by laymen and may not offer the correct information regarding legal matters, a problem that has recently raised concerns in many states (Tony 2004 p 227). However, secure methods such as the use of cautiously developed disclaimers are in use by lawyers in order to separate between th e unauthorized practices of law from the licensed lawyers. The use of measures for identification through the use of disclaimers have been significant in ensuring that only the authorized lawyers serve clients, but without any deals being completed in the website. They only provide general information, making it less attractive to people in the unauthorized practice of law (Blades
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Bus Company JMB: Fare Increase Causes
Bus Company JMB: Fare Increase Causes JMB TRAVEL GRADED UNIT 2 REPORT DEVELOPMENT STAGE EXECUTIVE SUMMARY This report is about primary and secondary research that was carried out on the bus company JMB. Increase in fares within the company JMB. Looking at the reasons for the increase in fares and the economic implications of this and the advantages that the improvements that the company has been able to make due to the increase in fares and the external factors that have also determined the price increase. The impact this has had on the passengers and exactly what they think about the increase and how it has affected their daily life commuting back and forth to their destinations and to find out what effect this has had on demand for this service. Evaluating the impact this has had on the company and its employees and how this has effected employee motivation within the company and what external factors have affected the company. Looking at the government subsidies that are available to the bus companies and what rules they have in place for a transport company to receive this grant. 1.1 REASONS FOR PRICE INCREASE Investigations have found that when the company first started operating they used an introductory price so customer would use the services, so customer would be able to see what a reliable and flexible bus service they provided. As there was only one other bus competitor running in that area First Buses that only run services to and from Glasgow but didnt have the direct routes that JMB were providing and the reliability that the service would run every 15 minutes from Lanark to Hamilton and returning which made the demand for their service greater than the other bus service run by First Buses. This would be known as price elasticity where the price of fares had risen but demand for the bus services stays the same as there is no direct competitive competition to stop them from implementing there 40% fare increase as they seem to have the biggest percentage of market share in this area. Other reasons for the increase is so they can could run a reliable service for customers in the Lanark to Hamilton route which allowed them to employ more staff to make the company run efficiently as possible. The company spoke of the expansion that is being planned which would allow more child friendly buses to be available for buggy and pram access, wider bus aisles and ramps that can be moved up and down for easy manoeuvring for wheelchairs and prams. School contract service available which would be run on a large scale to help build up their customer base and the company would be able to operate services to a lot of schools within south and north Lanarkshire. Due to the expansion of the company had decided to run bus services in other areas to expand their space in the travel network so that this would bring in more revenue for the company although the company would not allow any revenue figures to be published and management were very specific on this. Luxury coaches have also been introduced that are available for coach trips, private functions and other outings which brings in a great deal of revenue which could lead to further expansion within the Travel network. Revenue figures or any other figures relating to the company was not available. It was seen the actual number of passengers on the website published these figures over the past three years seen in (appendix 1) has increased which would allow JMB to consider branching into other areas in Scotland as demand for bus services is on the rise and would enable them to expand their market share in the travel network, which would allow customer to have a preference on who they would want to travel with every day. 1.2 External Factors External factors affecting this price increase is due to the price increase this year because The Scottish Governments flagship concessionary travel scheme for the over 60s and disabled people has run out of money to fund this The Confederation of Passenger Transport UK which is representing 1000 bus and coach firms said fare hikes and cuts in services were on the cards as members could no longer afford the losses (Herald, 2016) which means that the bus companies are going to have to make their contribution towards the concessionary fares for the over 60s and disabled customers. 1.2.1 Congestion Congestion on the roads is a big factor as drivers are not able to reach punctuality targets which could mean Higher operating costs and higher fares Higher in Vehicle times Deteriorating reliability and being punctual to fit with scheduled time tables 1.3 Conclusion Investigations found that the company started with an introductory price of  £2.50 for return tickets from Lanark to Hamilton but in order the company to flourish and extend their market share in the travel industry they had to increase their fares to  £3.50, although the company is flourishing it did need to overcome external factors concerning concessionary fares for over 60s and disabled customers as they now pay into this scheme which also triggered the price increase. Studies also showed that congestion is on the roads is a huge issue on the price increase as this causes higher operating which results in higher fares and cause problems with the service being provided which would cause the company to lose revenue. 2.0 IMPACT ON PASSENGERS A Social Media Survey was carried out with 30 customers in the Lanark to Hamilton area to find out what they felt about the increase in fares and if they still used the services provided by JMB due to increase in price. It was found that a large percentage of customer that used the bus service were not impressed by the increase in fares but still used the services regardless as it was their only reliable means of transport to travel back and forward to their desired destination as mostly every customer commented that rail services are not reliable in these areas so they used the bus services as more of a necessity, where as a small percentage said they used the bus services because it was reliable and friendly. (Appendix 2) illustrates these results. Customer stated that the service that JMB provided was very reliable and the staff were always friendly and on hand to helpful, while other customer said that they pay this amount for fares as it was the only bus service available to them to commute back and forth to work on a day to day basis where as other people used this service for leisure use. As porters five forces suggests see (appendix 3) customers have no other means of getting to their destination as there is no competitive choice in this area. JMB can put prices up as this is their only means of getting to their desired destination because theyre very little choice customers cannot change to another bus company and it seems that now there is not any new entrants in this area in the travel industry. This would suggest that customer that use the JMB services are more than happy to pay the fares as it is there only means of getting to and from their destination with the minimum of time and fuss and because this is a reliable, friendly and well known Travel provider. Although if there was any other means of transport in this area they would consider using it. 2.1 Other factors that determine if customers are receiving good service (1) Public transport needs to be clean and tidy at during operations as it could be a danger to the public health if Health and Safety rules are not adhered to. (2) Making sure that customers perceptions of the service meet their expectations to make sure that the customers completely satisfied with the service being provided. (3) Making sure that bus stops are accessible for customers as you dont want customer having to walk a long distance to the nearest bus stop, the perceived distance that is accessible is a 10 to15 minute walk away from the customers residency or location that the customer might be in at that time. 2.2 Conclusions Conclusions raised were that customer will pay the fare because the train services are not available in this area as it is a necessity to use them but if any other services were to be provided in this area they would probably consider trying a different bus service to commute also other factors such as cleanliness, accessibility and reliability are the key elements that customer look for in a transport services. 3.0 IMPACT ON THE COMPANY A Swot analysis was carried out on JMB to see what its strengths, weaknesses opportunities and threats were to the company. It was found that JMB had a lot of strengths as they were a well- known company with a well-known service provided to the public. JMB also have an advantage over their competitors as the journey routes that they operate are different from their competitors as they over a varied selection of bus routes and over a friendly helpful service to their customer. In the two years the company has been operating they have managed to secure different school contracts and have run a luxury coach service for the public for functions and other private events. The introduction of the Alexander Dennis Enviro 200 bus that was introduced in 2016 is this is fuel efficient and has great manoeuvrability that gives customers a luxury driving experience which makes them miles ahead of their competitors. The weaknesses that they have are being able to keep their services running smoothly day to day basis to keep their customers happy as customers are their customers are everything to the company. Being able to keep their fares to a minimum so that customers are not paying too much for the customers will not be able to afford their fares. Opportunities that the company has is they will be able to expand into new areas with the business such as providing services for different areas out with south and north Lanarkshire for example rural areas as they dont have a lot of transport operating in these areas by offering competitive prices so they can phase out their competitors. Threats that may affect them are If new competitors were to run a new bus service in their areas which would affect their business over a better price and service for the public. If the government cut funding that would enable them to run a reliable transport service. 3.1 Employee Motivation As staff are important to JMBs business morale is a big issue in their business because happy workers mean happy customers. Maslow motivational theory as executed in this company as Maslow talks about the five stages of hierarchy of needs these stages include see (appendix 4) for illustration. JMB has implemented this theory because they have provided their staff with good working conditions and a satisfactory salary for all. JMB have also employed more driver to deal with the demand for their bus services and has enough staff to delegate to different journeys and on different services everyday which allows their workers to get the time off for holidays or appointment or any other time they may need off without the minimum of fuss. The company also has good safety elements implemented as the drivers have direct contact with the depot in Wishaw in case there is any emergencies such as buses breaking down or if there was a medical issue with customer or a customer attacking another commuting on the bus or worst case scenario attacking one of the company bus drivers. Staff that work for the company also have works night out on a regular basis where they can bring their partner along to join in and they also have a Christmas party every year at different venues across Scotland. Mostly all the job vacancies within the company are all internal which means if people have the right credentials to apply for jobs they are urged to do so they are promoted for a job well done as one of the staff in the company was recently promoted to inspector for his outstanding contribution and commitment as a bus driver. 3.2 External factors affecting the business 3.2.1 CO2 Emissions A PESTLE analysis was done on the issue of CO2 emissions which outlined Political, Economic, Sociological, Technological, Legal and Environmental impact on the need to reduce CO2 emissions Political The government have set out clear guidelines for these CO2 emissions to be cut which could affect the company as these guidelines put in place need to be adhered to. Economic In 2010 there was an initiative put in place for all bus services called carbon reduction commitment which meant that bus companies had to buy carbon credits which would permit JMB to generate specific qualities of carbon emissions. In 2010 the company had to put in place a budget and set out very clear plans to measure how much CO2 emissions will be produced going forward. Which could affect the company as if they were to produce more emissions than stated in their plan then this could be an expense for the company which means it may lead to an increase in fares for customers. Sociological If the company does not abide by the guide lines, then the public could lose all expectations of the company at what it stands for. Technological The company may have to get another system built into the buses so they can monitor the CO2 emissions so they know what is being used every day. Legal If the company do not commit to the initiative to reduce emission they may find themselves with a hefty fine or worst case scenario they could lose grant which means they wouldnt be able to operate their business to its full potential. Environmental CO2 emissions are dangerous to the environment and the planet and is one of the biggest problems causing greenhouse gas that is destroying our planet today. 3.3 Steps JMB are taking to comply with the emissions initiative As CO2 emissions are a short and long term problem for JMB and have put in place a plan to reduce these emissions by 2020 from 25% to 20% and the introduction of the envir0 200 bus which would give them a clearer advantage over the competition. 3.4 Conclusion Although a SWOT was performed the results were positive on the company as the company has grown from strength to strength over the last 2 years as it is now able to provide transport to other areas in the North and South Lanarkshire area which has created more jobs for the population of North and South Lanarkshire which has made them able to strengthen the economy by creating jobs such as bus drivers, school escorts and other depot staff. The way the company is fair to their staff and give them the motivation to perform their jobs daily to a high standard that benefits their customers. Other aspects JMB are how user friendly the buses are to the environment because of fuel emission that could be a danger to the environment and could have legal implications if this was not rectified and the guidelines for emissions set by the government followed in the best interests of the company. 4.0 GOVERNMENT SUBSIDES Government subsidies are the main source of funding for JMB Travels business as they receive a (BSOG) Bus Services Operators Grant Scheme this is a discretionary grant paid under section 38 of The Transport Scotland Act 2001 which is regulated by the (DFT) Department for Transport to get this you need to adhere to certain terms and conditions. These conditions include the company needs to maintain adequate records of the mileage and distances that the bus service runs on a day to day basis. Checks are also performed by Transport Scotland to see that all the necessary requirements under the Transport Scotland Act have been fulfilled. DFT provide these grants to keep customers fares to a minimum and the distances the bus services to travel. This (BSOG) is applied for every year and consists of 4 quarterly payments that are paid directly into the company bank account. JMB also receive money from the government for their school contracts which has a great impact on their business and brings in a great deal of revenue. 4.1 Reforms to the (BSOG) Reforming the (BSOG) will create better incentives for local authorities and bus operators to work with one another to provide a better service for commuters and help with keeping the environment safe to provide value. Investing in fuel efficient buses to improve services for customers and to minimise regulatory burdens and reduce the cost of administration. Although these reforms to this policy are in place it will impact in different ways as no measure will completely deliver the objectives highlighted in this reform. Even though the objectives highlighted in this reform will ensure improvement in the value from the bus subsidy thats paid to the company every year. 4.2 Conclusion Investigations show that government subsidies are the main source of funding and keeping to the terms and conditions set for the public transport sector are followed then they will be able to continue receiving this grant and can provide the best service expected of them by their customers. Reforms that have been put in place by (BSOG) are going to benefit the operation of the service because as well as providing a good service to customers they will be able to see that JMB cares about what happens to our planet. APPENDIX Appendix 1 Appendix 2 Appendix 3 Porters 5 Forces   BIBLIOGRAPHY Arline, Katherine (2015) Porters five forces analysing the competition. Available at: (Accessed: 19 January 2017). Boddy, D. and Paton, R. (2002) Management: An introduction. New York: Prentice Hall Europe. begg, prof david (2016) Congestion. Available at: (Accessed: 20 January 2017). Activity Log DATE DURATION ACTIVITY RESOURCES USED 2ND November 2016 20 mins Phoned to arrange interview with manager from JMB Mobile, Paper, Pen 9th November 2016 2 hours Compiled questionnaire to ask manager from JMB Pen, paper, computer, printer 11th November 2016 3 hours Travelled to JMB depot to interview Martin Bell a manager from JMB asked him question to help with primary research for report Money, pen, paper 18th November 2016 2 hours Looked at the results from questionnaires on face book and recorded the information Face book page, computer, pen, paper 22nd November 2016 1 hour Went to college library to get reference books on economics and business strategy for secondary research for my report Library, books, student card 27th December 2016 3 hours Compiled information and put this into some sort of order and used planning stage to see aims and objectives Planning stage of report, reference books, notes, pen, paper, computer 6th December 2016 2 hours Started typing up my findings for 1st aim and objective relating to price Notes, paper, computer, pen, printer, reference books 13th November 2016 3 hours Compiled information on my 1st aim and objective. Notes, paper, computer, pen, printer, reference books 20th December 2016 3 hours Started compiling information for my 2nd aim of how customer feel about the increase Notes, paper, computer, pen, printer, reference books 17th January 20177 3 hours Typed up my findings for 1st aim and objective started to put this into report format Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 18th January 2017 2 hours 30 mins Typed findings for first aim and objective Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 19th January 2017 4 hours Collated all my information and started typing up 2nd aim into report format Notes, paper, pen, computer reference books, hard drive to save 20th January 2017 7 hours Typed up data for 2nd aim of report. Started collating information for my 3rd aim of my report Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 21st January 2017 6 hours Typed up 3rd aim of my report. Started working on data for my 4th aim of report Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 22nd January 2017 6 hours Typed up findings for 4th sim of report Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save 23rd January 2017 5 hours Wrote my acknowledgements, Executive summary and contents page and Activity log for report Notes, paper, computer reference books, hard drive to save, planning stage of report 24th January 2017 1 hour Checked over my report, sent report through turn tin Computer, report, college email and access to turn tin
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